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Supervisors discuss wheelchair van for Veterans Office

Pay increase approved for county veterans service officer

Could a wheelchair-accessible van be in the works for use by Antelope County veterans?

According to Veterans' Service Officer Tom Nelson, a need definitely exists.

"We're still rolling with it," he told Antelope County Supervisors during Tuesday morning's meeting in Neligh.

Nelson did not present actual figures for a potential purchase but noted used vans could run approximately $54,000.

"Other VSOs are running with an actual van. I'd rather have a wheelchair van. It makes more sense," Nelson said.

The van would allow Nelson or county personnel to transport veterans to appointments in Omaha, Lincoln or Grand Island. He said Antelope County is outside the VA's transportation range.

Supervisor Casey Dittrich asked if a van could be worked into next year's budget.

Nelson will put a plan together for a potential purchase and present it at an upcoming meeting.

Supervisors also approved a 2.6% pay increase for Nelson, which was included in the office's budget. He said $41,043 was approved.

"I won't hit that," he said.

Currently, Nelson receives $28.75 per hour. The increase would boost his hourly wage to $29.70.

Chairman Charlie Henery questioned if Nelson receives county benefits, including insurance. Nelson said he receives VA benefits.Discussion ensued on the number of hours the VSO works each week, with an average between 30 and 32 hours.

Clerk Lisa Payne said he Nelson consistenly works 32 or more hours, his status should change from part time to full time and qualify for in lieu benefits.

Dittrich made a motion for Nelson to maintain a 30-hour weekly schedule with the pay increase noted, effective Dec. 1.

Commissioners unanimously approved the increase. Eli Jacob was absent.


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