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Village of Page One and Six Year Street Hearing and Regular Board Meeting

Village of Page

One and Six Year Street Hearing and Regular Board Meeting

The One- and Six-Year Street Improvement Hearing and the regular monthly meeting of the Village Board of Page were held Monday, Nov. 11, 2024, at the village office. Notice was published in the Summerland Advocate-Messenger and was also posted at three public places within the Village of Page. This hearing and meeting were conducted in compliance with the Nebraska Open Meetings Act and the Open Meeting Laws are posted at the Village Office.

Chair Linquist opened the One- and Six-Year review hearing at 7:01 p.m. Trustees VanEvery, Tyrrell, Leichleiter and Campbell were present. Also present: Matt Kellum, Mrs. Dennis VanEvery and Cora Calkins. Absent: None.

There were no comments from the public.

Motion by Tyrrell, second by Campbell to adopt the street plan as presented. Passed, all ayes.

Chair Linquist closed the hearing at 7:11 p.m., and called the regular meeting to order.

Motion by VanEvery, second by Leichleiter to approve minutes of the Oct. 14, 2024, regular meeting as presented. Passed, all ayes.

Motion by Campbell, second by Tyrrell, to pay claims presented. Passed, all ayes.

Claims paid: GF: Bomgaars, 17.94, sup; CNEDD, 265.60, dues; ColdType Publishing, 55.50, pub fees; Farmers Pride, 32.99, fees; Great Plains Communication, 135.97, tele/internet; Hwy Allocation Savings, 742.00, Nov. match; Intuit, 173.00, QB sub; League of Municipalities, 279.00, dues; NCPPD, 592.46, elec; ESU 8/O’Neill, 310.00, license fees; Visa, 335.16, sup/pothole patch; IRS Payroll taxes, 496.89; Wages, 2,03368.

UF: J & J Sanitation, garbage, 1,924.76; Municipal Supply, hypochlorite, 750.00; NCPPD, elec, 396.92; NE Public Health Lab, testing, 15.00; Utility Services, tower maint, 3,029.42; Visa, postage, 163.31; Payroll taxes, 127.02; Wages, 758.96.

Actions taken:

Motion by Van Every, second by Leichleiter, to accept the resignation of McNally Law as the village attorney. Passed, all ayes.

Motion by Campbell, second by Tyrrell, to purchase Brother MFC-l8395CDW all-in-one machine for office. Passed, all ayes.

Motion by VanEvery, second by Leichleiter, to approve building permit for Ritchie and Coni Meyer. Passed, all ayes.

Motion by Campbell, second by Tyrrell, to adjourn. Passed, all ayes.

Adjourned at 8:46 p.m.

*Full sets of Minutes are available at the Village office / /

Next meeting: Monday, December 9, 2024, at 7:00 pm. Agenda kept continuously current at Village Office.

/s/R Linquist, Chairperson

/s/C. Calkins, Clerk/Treasurer

Published November 27, 2024



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