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NOTICE TO STEEL FABRICATORS Holt-Knox County Line Bridge Replacement Project


Holt-Knox County Line Bridge Replacement Project

Sealed proposals for the Steel H-Pile, Steel Sheet Pile, Sub-Structure Steel, Super-Structure Steel, Metal Decking, Deck Reinforcing Steel and Bridge Guardrail for an 65’-0” long by 24’-0” wide roadway bridge in Holt County, Nebraska, “Steel Material for Holt-Knox Countyline Bridge Replacement Project” will be received by the Holt County Clerk, Cathy Pavel, in her office at the Holt County Courthouse, until 11 a.m., local time, on Monday, Dec. 16, 2024, and thereafter will be opened and publicly read on Monday, Dec. 16, at 11 a.m., at the Holt County Supervisor’s meeting room, Holt County Courthouse, 204 North 4th Street, O’Neill, NE 68763. Holt County Clerks’ mailing/shipping address is: 204 North 4th Street (P.O. Box 329) O’Neill, NE 68763.

Proposals will be taken for the steel material fabricated and delivered to the job site above by unit prices combined as an aggregate bid for the project. Holt County and Knox County forces will be responsible for the removal of the existing bridge, construction of the proposed bridge and the dirt work/grading operations.

The bridge crosses the Middle Branch of Verdigre Creek and is located 1.9 North of the intersection of Old 108 / 872nd Road and the Holt-Knox Countyline. To drive to the bridge site, start at the intersection of 872nd Road and 510th Avenue, travel 1.9 miles North 510th Ave to the job site, Bridge No. C004539715.

Plans and specifications, together with the general conditions and instructions to bidders may be seen, examined and secured at the office of the county highway superintendent, Mr. Gary Connot, 1806 108 Road, O’Neill, NE 68763. Phone: 402-366-3888.

All proposals for said work must be made on blanks furnished by the county highway superintendent and must be accompanied by bid security of not less than 5% of the amount bid. Bid security to be made payable to the county clerk of Holt County, Nebraska, and will be held by Holt County as liquidated damages in case the bid is accepted and the bidder neglects or refuses to enter into contract and furnish bond in accordance herewith.

The Holt County Supervisors reserve the right to waive informalities and irregularities and to make awards on bids that furnish the steel material that will, in their opinion, serve the best interests of Holt County, Nebraska. The Holt County Supervisors also reserve the right to reject any or all bids.


Holt County CLERK

Published November 27, 2024; December 4, 2024; and December 11, 2024



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