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Village of Page BUDGET HEARING

Sept. 16, 2024

Notice of the budget hearing was published in the Summerland Advocate-Messenger on the 11th day of September, 2024, and was also posted at three public places within the Village of Page. This meeting was conducted in compliance with the Nebraska Open Meetings Act and the Open Meeting Laws are posted at the village office.

Chair Linquist called the budget hearing to order at 7 pm. Trustees VanEvery, Tyrrell, Campbell present. Also present: Cora Calkins. Absent: Leichleiter.

Three copies of the proposed budget statement were available to the public.

Clerk Calkins made a presentation outlining the key provisions of the proposed budget statement, including, but not limited to, a comparison with the prior year’s budget.

Following the presentation, Chair Linquist opened the floor to public comment on the proposed budget.

There being no comment from the public wishing to address the governing body, a reasonable amount of time for discussion was deemed concluded. Motion by Tyrrell, seconded by Campbell, to close and thereby adjourn the budget hearing. Roll call votes recorded as follows: VanEvery – Aye; Campbell - Aye; Tyrrell – Aye; Linquist – Aye; Leichleiter - Absent. Motion passed, all present voting aye.

Chair Linquist declared the budget hearing closed at 7:17 p.m.

Published September 25, 2024



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