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Neligh, Nebraska

Sept. 17, 2024

The clerk was completing a claim call.

The Antelope County Board of Commissioners convened in special session on Tuesday, Sept. 17, 2024, at 8:06 a.m., in the county commissioner’s meeting room, Antelope County Courthouse Annex, Neligh, Nebraska, for the purpose of a budget hearing. The meeting was called to order by board chairperson, Charlie Henery, with the following board members in attendance: Jacob, Dittrich, Krebs, Williby and Henery. Chairman stated that the Open Meeting Laws are posted on the east wall of the commissioners’ meeting room with more copies available at the county clerk’s office.

Notice of the meeting was given in advance thereof by publication in the three county newspapers, legal newspapers printed and in general circulation in Antelope County, Nebraska, as shown by proof of publication filed in the county clerk’s office. The agenda for said meeting was sent to all members of the County Board of Commissioners.

Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

In attendance: five commissioners, county treasurer, county assessor, county clerk and Terry Brookhouser.

Budget Public Hearing

At 8:08 a.m., Chairman opened the meeting with the budget public hearing. The Budget was reviewed with the commissioners by clerk, Lisa Payne. Discussion of capital improvements, interlocal agreements, office requests, total tax request, restricted funds (including the proposed vote of the majority of the board voting aye), and Road and Bridge Fund not a taxing entity. Questions and comments were answered and discussed. Opposition and support testimony was called. No more discussion

8:12 a.m .: Chairman adjourned the public hearing. Voting aye: Jacob, Dittrich, Williby, Krebs and Henery. Nays, none. Motion passed.

Setting Final Tax Dollars Hearing

8:13 a.m .: Chairman opened the public hearing for setting final tax dollars. Discussion of the funds requesting tax dollars:

General: $8,048,387.44

Law Enforcement Center Bond: $458,434.52

Veterans Aid: $1,554.48

Building: $36,724.59

Total: $8,545,101.03

Discussion. Opposition and support testimony was called. Mr. Brookhouser asked about the Law Enforcement Center Budget and why it differed so much from last year’s expenses. It was explained that if the dollars are not budgeted, they cannot be spent, even if there is money in the particular fund.

No further discussion.

8:19 a.m .: Chairman called for closure of public hearing. Voting aye: Jacob, Dittrich, Williby, Krebs and Henery. Nays, none. Motion passed.

Discussion. Restricted Fund 1% Increase: Motion by Commissioner Williby, seconded by Commissioner Jacob, to authorize the increase of restricted funds by 1%. Voting aye: Jacob, Dittrich, Williby, Krebs and Henery. Nays, none. Motion passed.

Discussion: Budget Approval: Motion by Commissioner Krebs, seconded by Commissioner Dittrich, to approve and finalize budget as prepared. Voting aye: Jacob, Dittrich, Williby, Krebs and Henery. Nays, none. Motion passed.

Discussion: Set Final Tax Dollars: Motion by Commissioner Jacob, seconded by Commissioner Williby, to set the final tax dollars as presented. Voting aye: Jacob, Dittrich, Williby, Krebs and Henery. Nays, none. Motion passed.

Short discussion on commodities and purchase of the used motor grader being utilized in the road and bridge department during repair of warranty motor grader. No action.

There being nothing more to discuss.

Adjournment: Motion by Commissioner Williby, seconded by Commissioner Jacob, to adjourn. Voting aye: Jacob, Dittrich, Williby, Krebs and Henery. Nays, none. Motion passed.

 The meeting adjourned at 8:34 a.m.


By: Chairman of the Board,

Charlie Henery

Attest: County Clerk, Lisa Payne

Published September 25, 2024



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