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Letters to the editor

Democracy in action, abortion initiatives discussed

Dear editor:

Nebraskans for Peace State Board supports American democracy as stated in the US. Constitution, with its openness to human rights for all people and its checks and balances in government through the legislative, executive and judicial.

We urge our fellow Nebraskans to further democracy through widening perspective by reading writers one disagrees with and try to understand their thinking.

Nebraskans for Peace acknowledges the large number of newspapers in Nebraska and the existence of this newspaper. We view Freedom of the Press as a basic right necessary for a healthy democracy.


Maggie Ballard, president

Nebraskans for Peace

State Board


Dear editor:

Both the 'Protect Women and Children' and 'Protect the Right to Abortion' initiatives will appear on our November ballot.

This begs the question ... is fertility a gift or a burden? As a gift, it's founded on wonder and awe of what power it gives. It's full of hope and optimism for the future. As a burden, it's closed and focused on the present. It is uncertain, and maybe even, fearful of the future.

When living from fear instead of awe, we often lose the sense of our own worth or find an exaggerated sense of our worth. It's a short trip to conclude that no life has value, or my life is the one with all the value. We wind up able to destroy life, either because it has no value or because it threatens my own.

Each generation is undeniably interlinked with the past and the future. At just 13 weeks, a preborn baby girl has millions of eggs, a lifetime supply, in her already-developed ovaries.

A baby girl's place of residence will change, her body will change, but long before she is born, she already has the critical ingredient needed to pass on life to the next generation. She is both the harvest from yesterday and the seed for tomorrow.

There is a balance, a master plan for reproduction. But it requires wonder and awe of the gift. Fear cannot be the driving force in determining the value of each life and all life.

We invite you to join us in promoting the wonder and awe of fertility at the polls this fall. At the very least, refuse to choose which 'woman' rights are most valuable – the pre-born woman or her post-born mom.

Boyd Holt Right to Life, Jeanie Miller

Sue Burtwistle


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