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Village of Clearwater BOARD OF TRUSTEES

Aug. 12, 2024

The Board of Trustees of the Village of Clearwater met for a regular meeting Monday, Aug. 12, at 7 p.m., in the fire hall meeting room. Meeting opened at 7 p.m. Notice of Meeting was given in advance by publication in Summerland Advocate-Messenger, was posted at US Post Office in Clearwater, Clearwater Market and Cornerstone Bank-Clearwater and was given to board members prior to meeting. Public was informed of location of Open Meeting Act poster.

Present: Kelly Kerkman, Marsha Hart, Cody Kester, Jeff Schlecht. Brian King arrived at 7:02 p.m. Others present: Angie Hupp, Troy Behnke, Kyle Petersen, John Zwingman, Tina Snider, Joe Funk.

Approved minutes of July 15 regular meeting.

Approved minutes of Aug. 7 budget workshop.

Approved minutes of Aug. 7 special meeting.

Approved treasurer’s report.

Discussion began with Tina Snider regarding purchase of lot but was postponed until engineer arrived and presented subdivision suggestions.

Approved storage shed for Aaron Parks at 508 Nebraska St.

Approved three-year contract with Antelope County for Mutual Finance Organization funds to use for EMT supplies.

Economic development report was discussed. Lauren Sheridan-Simonsen is out of the office Aug. 5-26.

Approved Resolution of Support for Leadership Certified Community application.

No library report presented. Approved Theresa Schlecht as new board member of library board.

No park or grant reports presented.

Clerk report presented.

Discussion with Joe Funk regarding moving billboard at 203 Hwy. 275 from west side of storage units to east side. Funk said he walked the area with Brian King, whose aunt owns the adjacent field. Once concrete and east side doors are removed, there should be plenty of space between the sign and field driveway.

Approved moving billboard. Angie Hupp will write a letter stating such to the NDOT and give to Funk to send to them.

Sheriff’s report presented. Kerkman told the board that 307 Montana St. was cleaned up earlier Aug. 12 with the help of volunteers.

No unfinished business presented.

Approved claims and payroll. Claims: $36,115.93; payroll: $7,915.90.

No attorney report presented.

Discussion held regarding creating an ordinance allowing village to move surplus water funds to general account for use in shortfall areas. Ordinance will be presented at September meeting.

Confirmed next regular meeting date of Sept. 9 immediately following budget hearings.

Confirmed budget and tax request hearing date of Sept. 9, beginning at 6:45 p.m.

Discussion held regarding updating delinquent utility bill policy. Ordinance will be presented at September meeting.

Maintenance report presented. Discussion held regarding which streets to armor coat at the end of the month and which streets need to be on the street plan for repairs. Hart will attend county commissioners’ meeting Aug. 13.

Discussion held regarding annexation. Hupp discovered south end of park, tree dump and Snider’s lot by the park are not in village limits. Discussion held regarding also annexing a parcel on the west end of town since it’s attached to two other lots owned by the same person and will be used for the same purpose. Attorney will begin paperwork to move forward with annexation.

Meeting went into recess at 8 p.m. to wait for engineer John Zwingman to arrive. Meeting resumed at approximately 8:10 p.m.

Discussion held regarding two subdivision options presented by Zwingman using the south end of the park. Board stated they would like to hear public opinion.

Discussion held with Snider who stated she would be willing to wait and see what the public thinks about creating a subdivision first. Creating a subdivision around their lot might change what they decide to purchase or how they build as well.

Set one- and six-year street improvement plan hearing for Sept. 9 during the regular meeting. Hearing will begin at approximately 7:30 p.m.

Meeting adjourned at 8:43 p.m.

A complete copy of the minutes is available at the clerk’s office during regular business hours.

Angie Hupp,

Village Clerk

Published August 21, 2024



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