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Summerland Public School BOARD OF EDUCATION

Monday, Aug. 12, 2024

Summerland Public School Board of Education met in regular session, Monday, Aug. 12. President Steve Thiele called the meeting, which was advertised in the Aug. 7, 2024, newspapers, to order at 7 p.m.

President Thiele noted the Open Meetings Act posted in the boardroom.

Roll call was taken. Present: Nate Schwager, Scott Thiele, Steve Thiele, Austin Twibell, Jeremy Wagner. Absent: Ed Nordby.

Motion by Schwager, seconded by Wagner, to approve the absence of Ed Nordby from this meeting. Voting aye: Schwager, Thiele, Thiele, Twibell, Wagner. Nay: none. Absent: Nordby.

Motion by Scott Thiele, seconded by Twibell, to approve the agenda as presented. Voting aye: Schwager, Thiele, Thiele, Twibell, Wagner. Nay: none. Absent: Nordby.

Public participation was not heard.

Motion by Steve Thiele, seconded by Austin Twibell, to approve the consent agenda items with the corrections as discussed. Unless removed from the consent agenda, items within the consent agenda will be acted on at one time, including minutes of the July 17, 2024, meeting and monthly financial report. Voting aye: Schwager, Thiele, Thiele, Twibell, Wagner. Nay: none. Absent: Nordby.

Old business:

Discuss, consider and take action on disposal of obsolete bus. Motion by Twibell, seconded by Scott Thiele, to approve the bid of $1,075 from Michael Klabenes for the 2013 Blue Bird bus. Voting aye: Schwager, Thiele, Thiele, Twibell, Wagner. Nay: none. Absent: Nordby.

New business:

Discuss, consider and take action to adopt a resolution increasing the school district’s growth percentage used to determine the school district’s property tax request authority by 7%. Motion by Schwager, seconded by Steve Thiele, to adopt the resolution to increase the base growth percentage by 7% in determining property tax request authority. Voting aye: Schwager, Thiele, Thiele, Twibell, Wagner. Nay: none. Absent: Nordby.

Discuss, consider and take action on classified staffing. Motion by Twibell, seconded by Schwager, to approve a work agreement to Tabatha Kerkman as a paraprofessional and transportation driver for the 2024-2025 school year. Voting aye: Schwager, Thiele, Thiele, Twibell, Wagner. Nay: none. Absent: Nordby.

Motion by Scott Thiele, seconded by Twibell, to approve a work agreement to Brittany Horstmann as a paraprofessional for the 2024-2025 school year. Voting aye: Schwager, Thiele, Thiele, Twibell, Wagner. Nay: none. Absent: Nordby.

Motion by Scott Thiele, seconded by Wagner, to accept the resignation of Kaylee Hauf as a paraprofessional effective immediately. Voting aye: Schwager, Thiele, Thiele, Twibell, Wagner. Nay: none. Absent: Nordby.

Discuss, consider and take action on transfers to Depreciation and Activity funds. Motion by Schwager, seconded by Scott Thiele, to approve the proposed transfers of $200,000 to the Depreciation Fund and $25,000 to the Activity Fund (Athletic Account). Voting aye: Schwager, Thiele, Thiele, Twibell, Wagner. Nay: none. Absent: Nordby.

Discuss, consider and take action to declare items obsolete. Motion by Twibell, seconded by Wagner, to approve the items obsolete as presented. Voting aye: Schwager, Thiele, Thiele, Twibell, Wagner. Nay: none. Absent: Nordby.

NASB update. Area membership meetings are in Norfolk on Sept. 4 from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. Board members, please let Ms. Aschoff know by Aug 29 if you want to attend. The State Education Conference is Nov. 20-22.

Administrative reports:

Mrs. Cooper, elementary principal: Admin Days, student numbers, acts of kindness from communities, elementary theme, PK-6 open house.

Mr. Birch, jh/hs principal: student numbers, schedules, bus/shuttle routes, Admin Days, homecoming, activity participation numbers.

Ms. Aschoff, superintendent: septic update, Building & Grounds Committee, theme for the school year, new bus arriving, report on meetings attended (6 Regions and NDE), special legislative session.

The next meeting date will be Wednesday, Sept. 11. There will be a budget hearing at 6:30 p.m., followed by a tax request hearing, and then the regular board meeting.

President Thiele adjourned the meeting at 7:51 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Sally Finch

Recording secretary

Published August 21, 2024



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