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Village of Clearwater BOARD OF TRUSTEES

July 15, 2024

The Board of Trustees of the Village of Clearwater met for a regular meeting Monday, July 15, at 7 p.m., in the fire hall meeting room. Meeting opened at 7:02 p.m. Notice of Meeting was given in advance by publication in Summerland Advocate-Messenger, was posted at US Post Office in Clearwater, Clearwater Market and Cornerstone Bank-Clearwater and was given to board members prior to meeting. Public was informed of location of Open Meeting Act poster.

Present: Kelly Kerkman, Marsha Hart, Cody Kester, Jeff Schlecht, Brian King. Others present: Angie Hupp, Troy Behnke, Kyle Petersen, LuAnn Schindler, Lauren Sheridan-Simonsen, John Zwingman, Paul Horman, Jay and Tina Snider, Sheriff Bob Moore, Lyle Juracek.

Approved minutes of June 17 special hearing and meeting.

Approved treasurer’s report.

Discussion held with Jay and Tina Snider regarding Resolution 2024-3 to sell section of village-owned property at 702 Montana St. to them for $100. Kerkman stated his understanding from October 2022 was that the Sniders were interested in purchasing approximately 100’x240’ of land and that a house would be built on it. Jay said his intention was always to go back to the property line and they might build a shed but weren’t necessarily considering a house. The surveyed area is 250’x240’ and consists of 1.377 acres. Kerkman said promise of building a house was the reason the board agreed to low price. Schlecht pointed out the village recently sold way less land for significantly more money to Tony Blecher. After more discussion, decision was tabled until next month to give all parties time to consider an agreement.

No discussion held regarding Joe Funk’s request for permission to move his billboard from the west side of his property to the east as he requested to wait until the August meeting.

John Zwingman briefly mentioned that the public meeting earlier in the evening was to speak with the public about the DTR suggested plans, costs and payment options.

Approved Ordinance 2024-2 placing the question of lottery within village limits on the November ballot.

Discussion held regarding Ordinance 2024-3 updating floodplain ordinance. Zwingman suggested tabling approval and asking surrounding towns what they have.

Sheriff’s report presented. Sheriff Moore spoke with owner of 307 Montana St. regarding plan to clean up property. Sheriff met with resistance and told Kyle Petersen that he will testify to such at next court appearance. Troy Behnke asked the sheriff if it would be possible to get inmates to assist with mowing around town. Sheriff said he would look into it and get back to us.

Discussion held regarding Resolution 2024-4 to place sales tax increase on the November ballot. Petersen explained to the board that local sales tax is at 1.5%. In order to ask for increase to 2%, the village needs to have an interlocal agreement with ESU or the county. Angie Hupp will talk to the ESU and county to see if either are willing to participate and Petersen will get minimal amount required for agreement. Any decisions were tabled until more information can be presented at the August meeting.

Approved special liquor license for the Clearwater Chamber rough stock rodeo on Aug. 17.

Economic report presented.

Approved fiscal year 2024-2025 economic development contract with Neligh for $18,436.37 plus mileage.

Maintenance report presented. Troy Behnke told board that the village received a notice of violation for the tree dump. NDEE inspected and discovered illegal items in the burn pile. Only trees, branches and yard waste are allowed at the tree dump. Pallets, painted wood, furniture, etc. need to be taken to Neligh’s compactor or arrangements made with Bud’s Sanitary Service. Cameras are being installed at the tree dump. If illegal items are discovered, the village will contact the owner to pick them up and dispose of them properly or fines may be assessed.

Library report presented. No librarian has been hired yet but there are prospects for the position. LuAnn Schindler presented the design and cost estimate for library remodel proposal. According to Steven Thiele of Hausmann Construction, estimated costs of the remodel are between $750,000-800,000. Schindler stated they have asked for a breakdown of costs and are looking into other options. Theresa Schlecht was approved as new member at the July 15 library board meeting. Schlecht will be approved by the village board at the Aug. 12 meeting. Hupp asked Schindler if quarterly payments from the village to the library needed to continue and Schindler said yes.

Park report presented. Bathroom doors are here but have not been installed.

Approved paying RVW, Inc. $4,500 for GIS website hosting. Fifteen hundred paid with USDA grant funds and remaining $3,000 paid with ARPA funds.

Clerk report presented. Guarantee Roofing inspected library roof and said unless there is a bad hailstorm, the roof is good for a few more years. Neither of the residents who received late dog tag invoices have paid them. Hupp will send invoices monthly until they are paid. Gina Northcutt agreed to assist with budget workshop again this year but Mondays don’t work for her. After discussion, the board set a date for Aug. 7 at 7 p.m.

Hupp said she has wished for a security camera in the office several times. The Veterans Park board also asked about having a camera face the park so Hupp got a quote from Applied Connective, who installed the other cameras. With a quote of $3,802.34, Kerkman asked if there was money in the budget this year and Hart suggested adding it to next year’s budget.

Jay Snider spoke on behalf of his father, Don Snider, who received a letter regarding payment of a former tenant’s delinquent utility bill. After the June meeting, Petersen sent Don a letter stating as property owner, he was responsible for paying off the bill. Jay asked what the policy was because water was turned off after two months of nonpayment when he was on the board. Petersen stated that is an option for the village but is not a requirement. Kerkman stated that the tenant made regular payments to keep the water on, just not enough to pay off the bill. He also said Don was sent a letter letting him know the bill was delinquent and that Don signed an agreement with the village that he understood he was responsible for utilities if a tenant moved out and left an unpaid bill. After more discussion, the board offered to remove $200 in late fees from the amount owed and Jay accepted the offer on Don’s behalf.

Unfinished business presented. Kerkman asked John Zwingman about designs for a possible subdivision on the small baseball field. Zwingman said he’d never done anything with it because he didn’t know if the board was still interested. Kester said he’d like to see something so Zwingman will have a drawing by next meeting. Paul Horman mentioned that there is always standing water in that area and building houses might create more issues for homes on Nebraska St.

New business presented. Confirmed next regular meeting of Aug. 12.

No attorney report presented.

Approved entering executive session at 8:50 p.m. to conduct employee evaluations.

Approved exiting executive session at 9:02 p.m.

Approved claims and payroll. Claims: $42,594.25; payroll: $8,879.38.

Meeting adjourned at 9:03 p.m.

A complete copy of the minutes is available at the clerk’s office during regular business hours.

Angie Hupp,

Village Clerk

Published July 24, 2024



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