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Shell - Abrated Tradition

Wilson claims fourth Page Day turtle trophy

A bale of turtles, all sizes and species, stood in the spotlight, Saturday, during turtle races at Page community day.

After Page Fire and Rescue chief Rod Isom cooled the cement racing ring with a dowsing of crisp water, box turtles, painted turtles and a red-eared slider moved like a herd of turtles toward the chalky neon pink finish line.

Following heat races and a championship run, three reptiles crushed the competition, earning trophies for their trainers.

Levi Schlem's entry was the fastest out of the gate, earning the grand champion title.

Rhyla Meissen claimed victory in the large turtle division.

Perennial powerhouse turtle trainer Adam Wilson claimed his fourth title in the small turtle division.

Wilson said he always enjoys entering the races.

"Basically, everyone knows the story of 'The Tortoise and the Hare,' how Tortoise is always so slow, the underdog," Wilson said after receiving his trophy.

That's what pushes 13-year-old Wilson to enter the annual race.

Locating a turtle isn't always an easy process though.

"You don't really just find them out in the blue. They're casual. Most likely, they are somewhere near water," he said.

The rural Page resident usually finds his entries along the backroads, near water holes. It's his tried-and-true method.

"When we see a turtle, we stop and I pick it up."

Wilson has found several red-eared sliders and he's captured box turtles, too.

The search process begins "many weeks" before the competition, so he can begin the training process, which includes a steady diet of grasshoppers and worms, and practice runs.

Wilson claims he doesn't have a secret to his success.

"I just take care of them, feed them good amounts of food."

Wilson believes the race offers a positive learning experience.

"You learn about good sportsmanship."

Two hours after his winning run, Wilson said he's already planning for the 2025 competition.

"I'll catch turtles, give them love and they'll race," he said.


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