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Transition Incentives Program provides an alternative for expiring CRP contracts

Conservation Reserve Program contracts in Nebraska are set to expire on more than 150,000 acres before the end of 2026, leaving landowners with the decision of what to do next. One option to consider is a unique program offered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Farm Service Agency-the CRP-Transition Incentives Program.

When a CRP contract expires, landowners typically choose to either re-enroll their acres or bring them back into production. The decision may depend on a number of factors, including rental rates and the individual needs of an operation. For some landowners, supporting a new generation of producers is the motivation behind returning contracted acres to crop ground or pasture. CRP-TIP provides an incentive of two additional years of CRP rental payments if the land is rented or sold to a beginning or underserved producer.

To receive the benefit, the landowner and the new operator must bring suitable acres back into agricultural production. For larger tracts of ground, the landowner may partition acres for CRP-TIP and re-enroll any marginal, highly erodible ground.

As the new operator takes over production, they must commit to conservation and land improvements according to an outlined plan made in cooperation with a local USDA representative. A variety of conservation practices may be considered, including prescribed grazing, cover crops, filter strips, buffer strips, and terraces.

For more information, interested landowners can view and download our fact sheet at or contact their local Farm Service Agency office. To find a USDA Service Center, visit


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