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Singing his truth

Hicks brings authenticity to his music

Growing up in a small town in Georgia, Noah Hicks lives his music life as his most authentic self. From small gigs to working with top artists in the industry, he never forgets the farm he grew up on.

Hicks was raised on a small chicken farming operation in Carrollton, Georgia. He was always playing guitar and music became a big influence in his life.

In an interview in late May, he told SAM, "The dream really started when I had a friend named Reed Morris who pushed me to start singing. We were just kind of doing it together for a

short time span, and we saw all these big names like Riley Green who were no different than me in my head. They were crushing it and I just started chasing the dream."

Much like modern artists due today, Hicks utilized social media to connect with others.

"Instagram was big at this time and I would use it to connect to people. Seeing all of the amazing artists who were making it possible and having a really supportive background really helped me pursue my music," Hicks stated.

Like many artists, having a music based background influenced the way that he makes music now. Through hearing older names in the industry on the radio, he fell in love with the country and knew that he wanted to pursue it. Along with music influences, his family plays a lot into the artist that he is today. By watching his brother do all the small-town stuff, he knew that that was what true country music was about.

"The big cats at the time like, Luke Bryan and Jason Aldean, were writing about small-town life. Growing up on a farm, I experienced all of those things firsthand. Driving an old square-body truck, you just know what all of those lyrics mean firsthand," Hicks stated.

The singer is a huge believer that country music is heavily influenced by what small farm towns do everyday. He went on to state that if country music was the same as it used to be with it solely focused on drinking, he wouldn't have been as drawn to it. Hicks is a big fan of that up-beat country music that has taken over mainstream music streaming, and his current discography expresses those interests.

He also said, "I love old country and it has its perks, but there's nothing like Florida Georgia Line's first records and Luke Bryan's first record. All of those people were just amazing, all those guys were just stellar."

Hicks is a multi-talented writer in that he has the ability to find lyric inspiration in life events, but also just come up with verses when he has a free moment. He went on to explain that sometimes artists will come up with a really sad song about a broken relationship when they are in a great one, but other times the music will come from a hardship.

"On cloudy days like today where I just sit with my guitar, sometimes I just come up with some lyrics for the next time I write. Inspiration can really come from many different avenues, and growing up in a small town I'm able to use my memories and experiences to tackle the small town stuff. I've lived a lot of live's and I'm able to pull from those parts of me, he answered."

Recently Hicks signed with Nashville Harbor Records & Entertainment in conjunction with his current team at the RED Creative Group.

"It felt like a dream come true. I never thought that it would actually happen, I just knew that I always wanted one. My team has produced a lot of amazing individuals like Florida Georgia Line, Thomas Rhett, Taylor Swift, and so many more. I feel unstoppable now and I just can't wait to see everything I can do," he stated.

Keeping to his humble farm background, Hicks stated that his career went from what he called the minor leagues to the major leagues. Being in the minor league was incredibly important and it always will be, but being in the majors just allows him to do even more.

All artists are learning the power of social media in the current world, with many adapting in their favor. Hicks hit big when his songs blew up on the platform, TikTok, and helped his career gain even more recognition. He fully acknowledges the power that the platform has in spreading his music to all areas of the world, and how it has helped connect his fans. He also gives major credit to his team that helps him manage the social media world.

Still in his 20's, Hicks is relatively young and still navigating his way through the industry. However, he has a piece of advice for any young person trying to break into the music scene.

He stated, "Remember everything happens for a reason. No matter what tragedy or disappointment happens, know that it is all a part of the plan. You have a lot of choices and you have to own them at the end of the day."

Raised in Georgia, Hicks is a big Chick-fil-A fan. When asked if he had ever heard of the unofficial state food of Nebraska, the Runza, he answered no. Although he had never heard of it he was very eager to try it when he was given the description of the item. "I would absolutely love to try one. I love trying new things, he stated."

Although Hicks is a successful singer who always pays homage to his country roots in all his music. No matter where he goes in life, he stays true to his small town roots and acknowledges all those who have helped him along the way. Hicks will open for Nate Smith Saturday June 29 at Clearwater's Big Rodeo Concert on Main Street.


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