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Ubetcha Auto Sales, 2023 Ford Transit Van - ESSER III, 49,900.00; Amazon Capital services, Inc., sup/annual Prime membership, 9.486.43; Antelope Memorial Hospital, bus driver physicals, 585.00; B.E. Publishing, textbooks, 4,892.25; Black Hills Energy, nat gas, 187.15; Blain Pumping & Plumbing, pumping septic tanks, 840.00; Blick Art Materials, sup, 1,805.33; Bluum of Minnesota, LLC, sup, 44.16; Bomgaars, sup, 4.85; Broadberry, server, 7,675.00; Capital One Bk(USA), NA, sup/postage, 4,308.90; Cathy Cooper, mileage, 1,218.66; Clearwater Market, sup, 18.72; ColdType Publishing, printing, 248.00; Culligan of Norfolk, sup, 509.00; Curriculum Associates, Inc., sup, 302.40; DAS State Acctg-Central Finance OCIO, internet line charges, 484.59; DISA, Inc., driver testing, 131.50; Dusty’s, fuel, 171.18; Eakes Office Solutions, sup, 108.40; Egan Supply Co., sup, 1,008.04; Elkhorn Rural Public Power, elec, 4,844.33; Ewing Family Foods, sup, 364.69; Ewing Feed & Supply & Trailer Sales, sup, 254.23; Kyle Finke, mileage/cell ph, 1,649.83; Great Plains Communications, tele, 440.29; Greg Thramer, rent, 100.00; Holiday Inn - Kearney, hotel - transportation conf 129.95; Hometown Leasing #1, copier/printer leases, 488.27; Irwin Seating Company, rep, 209.56; Island Supply Welding, sup, 188.48; KSB School Law, legal serv, 1,644.00; Lab-Aids, sup, 960.01; Learning Without Tears, sup, 670.50; Lexia Learning Systems, LLC, sup, 1,995.00; McGraw-Hill School Education Holdings, LLC, sup, 495.23; Menards, sup, 21.98; Midwest Technology Products, sup, 43.00; MSM Enterprises, occ ther-May, 2,870.30; NASB, workshop fees 165.00; NASSP, NHS affil, 385.00; Nebraska Public Health Environmental Lab, water testing, 313.00; Neil’s Pest Control, pest control, 450.00; Northeast Regional Deaf Ed Program, deaf ed, 232.50; Odell, Michael P, mileage, 49.58; Omnify, COBRA fees, 9.00; O’Neill Shopper, adv, 43.00; Orchard Lumber, sup, 19.99; Orval’s Auto service, service van #24, 105.50; Overland Rehabilitation Services, phys ther, 624.87; Pitzer Digital, printing, 214.12; Pyramid School Products, sup, 2,682.78; Quill, sup, 399.90; Really Good Stuff, Inc., sup, 94.95; Rotherham Tire, tires/serv, 392.50; Royal One Stop, fuel, 184.01; Sanne Service, LLC, rep, 2,230.55; Savvas Learning Company, LLC, sup, 3,736.83; Schilousky Lawn Care, mowing, 2,830.00; School Specialty LLC, sup, 27.05; Summerland Hot Lunch, 2023-24 sub meals, 1,168.00; Summerland Public School - Operating, misc reimb, 303.55; TJs Market, sup, 73.25; Ventris Learning LLC, sup, 666.80; Ward’s Science, sup, 1,969.12; WEX Bank, fuel, 1,114.26; White Star Oil Company, fuel, 3,441.80

Total: 124,896.12

Published June 12 2024



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