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Orchard trustees modify painting agreement

Orchard village trustees approved modifying a decision regarding painting at the community center when they met in regular session, May 14.

At a May 2 special meeting, trustees approved a quote from Timmerman’s Painting, of O’Neill, in the amount of $7,061, for painting the gym, bathrooms, lobby, vestibule and heating, ventilation and air conditioning duct work at the community center.

Following discussion on May 14, Tyson Schutt made a motion to modify the original motion to purchase paint from Corner Hardware and More, at $299 per five-gallon bucket and approve a quote from Timmerman’s Painting, in the amount of $5,761.

Schutt, John Ferguson, Dwight Van Ostrand and Steph Cleveland voted in favor. Trustee Glen Cheatum was absent.

Trustees approved mowing bids. Tristian and Alexa Simon presented a bid of $225 per cutting for the pool park and little ball field. Mowing for the football field, practice field and community center was bid at $600 per cutting.

Mason and Braxton Schwager submitted bids for the following properties: fire hall, $20 per cutting; well house by Rex Theater, $15 per cutting; village property at 135 West 3rd Street, $35 per cutting; well house by railroad tracks, $20 per cutting and park on highway, $120 per cutting.

Trustees accepted a donation of a small metal shed, to be placed near the concession stand, for the ball program. Monte Shabram made the donation in memory of Rita Shabram. Trustees thanked Shabram for the donation.

Members of the Summerland softball program asked about improvements at the field, including dugout repairs, fencing and lights.

Schutt said he will coordinate with program officials to address the items of concern. Softball officials will provide information on lighting costs.

Discussion on updates at the swimming pool were discussed. Orchard resident Tammy Cheatum said the baby pool will require repairs. No decision was made at the meeting.

Schutt will get quotes from a professional painter to paint the pool entrance and present his findings at the June meeting.

Cheatum, representing the LB840 committee gave an update on workshops she plans to attend. Five Rule Rural Planning representatives will attend the June board meeting in order to finalize a housing study grant.

Discussion about nuisance properties continued. The village has an opportunity to purchase a property, described as Lot 5 Block 11 in Orchard Village for the amount of back taxes. Schutt and Ferguson made and seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.

Trophies, awards, banners and plaques, which are currently in the fire hall and community center were discussed. A potential solution will be to remodel the west locker room and place memorabilia there. Composites may hang in the back hallway.

Whether or not storage containers should be used in village limits was discussed. Trustees were given a sample ordinance. Following discussion, an ordnance will be presented for consideration at the June meeting.

The village will also be in search for a new auditor. Herley Reinke CPA notified village officials they will no longer conduct municipal audits. Village clerk Brenda Harrison will check into other options.

The trustees will meet again June 10, at 7 p.m., at the community center.


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