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Daycare building expansion sent to village planning commission

Clearwater's Planning Commission will meet March 4 to make a recommendation about a building permit application for a local daycare.

Following discussion at the Feb. 12 village meeting, trustees made the decision to send the permit application to the commission.

Rustin Fletcher met with trustees about the permit for an additional building at Kidz Korner Daycare at 609 Montana Street. A 32' x 36' building will be constructed and replace a smaller shed that will be demolished.

Trustee Brian King asked if the structure will be close to a lot line, expressing concerns about setbacks, which are measured from property lines.

According to Fletcher, the new structure will be approximately 19.5 feet back.

The 20-foot wide alley adjacent to the property is a dedicated right of way.

"It (Setbacks) would be 30 feet from center of the alley to where the foundation could sit," said village engineer John Zwingman.

According to Fletcher, property markers could not be located.

"I don't know where the alley actually lays. If you can line it up with other buildings in the alley, it would be the easiest way, not the most technical way," Zwingman said.

Fletcher said if the village wants to stay with the 20 foot setback, he'll build within those guidelines.

Acting chairman Cody Kester said the setback appeared to be wide enough.

"It won't impede anyone's vision, traffic, snow removal," he said.

Village clerk Angie Hupp said if the structure is not in the setbacks and extra room is needed, a public hearing will need to be scheduled. Questions were also raised about the square footage of the structure and if it will need zoning approval.

Hupp said that's where the situation "gets sticky."

"It's not really an accessory building. You're adding more to the daycare, it's just going to be separate," she said.

Fletcher said the structure size could be scaled down.

Kester said he doesn't see any problems, but suggested a public hearing be set and have the commission bring its recommendation to the March trustees' meeting.

"Let's cross our t's and dot our i's with the zoning," Kester said.

Library remodeling project

Trustees agreed to hold a joint meeting with the Clearwater Public Library Board of Trustees, Feb. 26, at 7 p.m.

Kester said he feels a meeting would be beneficial for both boards to discuss financials and building plans.

Zwingman will also attend the meeting to offer his perspective as engineer.

In other business, trustees:

• Approved a digital facde grant of $750 for a point-of-sale system and a $750 facade grant for exterior signage to Two Bills Steakhouse.

• Agreed to pay $2,000 to Rembolt Ludtke LLP for legal srvices from lagoon grant funds.

• Devised a haying contract which will state ground is for haying only between June 1 and Nov. 1 of the year the contract is signed. Livestock, fencing or other uses will not be allowed.


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