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Summerland Public School BOARD OF EDUCATION

Feb. 12, 2024

Summerland Public School Board of Education met in regular session, Monday, Feb. 12, 2024. Vice president Nate Schwager opened the meeting, which was advertised in the Feb. 7, 2024 newspapers, to order at 7 p.m.

Schwager noted the Open Meetings Act posted in the board room. Roll call was taken. Members present: Ed Nordby, Nate Schwager, Scott Thiele, Austin Twibell, Jeremy Wagner. Absent: Steve Thiele.

Motion by Nordby, seconded by Wagner, to approve the absence of Steve Thiele. Voting aye: Nordby, Schwager, Thiele, Twibell, Wagner. Nay: none. Absent: Steve Thiele. Motion carried 5-0.

Motion by Twibell, seconded by Thiele, to approve the agenda as presented. Voting aye: Nordby, Schwager, Thiele, Twibell, Wagner. Nay: none. Absent: Steve Thiele. Motion carried 5-0.

Public participation (15 minutes allowed). Public participation was not heard.

Presentation by staff on social emotional behavior learning. Kristin Johnston and Denise Meyer made a presentation to the board on the SEBL (Social Emotional Behavioral Learning0 model that they are implementing at the elementary level.

Motion by Twibell, seconded by Schwager, to approve the consent agenda items. Voting aye: Nordby, Schwager, Thiele, Twibell, Wagner. Nay: none. Absent: Steve Thiele. Motion carried 5-0.

Unless removed from the consent agenda, items identified within the consent agenda will be acted on at one time: minutes of the Jan. 17, 2024, meeting; minutes of the Jan. 31, 2024, special meeting; minutes of the Feb. 6, 2024, special meeting; minutes of the Feb. 7, 2024, special meeting, monthly financial report.

Old business. None.

New business:

Discuss, consider and take action on staff resignations. Supt. Finke read the resignation letters he had received. Motion by Twibell, seconded by Wagner, to accept the resignation of special education teacher Jordyn Kuhl at the end of the 2023-2024 school year. Voting aye: Nordby, Schwager, Thiele, Twibell, Wagner. Nay: none. Absent: Steve Thiele. Motion carried 5-0.

Motion by Nordby, seconded by Thiele, to accept the resignation of sixth-grade teacher Ashley Larby at the end of the 2023-2024 school year. Voting aye: Nordby, Schwager, Thiele, Twibell, Wagner. Nay: none. Absent: Steve Thiele. Motion carried 5-0.

Motion by Nordby, seconded by Twibell, to accept the resignation of transportation driver Kristine Tabbert, effective Feb. 15, 2024. Voting aye: Nordby, Schwager, Thiele, Twibell, Wagner. Nay: none. Absent: Steve Thiele. Motion carried 5-0.

Discuss, consider and take action on approving a teacher contract. Motion by Twibell, seconded by Thiele, to approve a teacher contract to Katie Greene as an elementary special education teacher for the 2024-2024 school year. Voting aye: Nordby, Schwager, Thiele, Twibell, Wagner. Nay: none. Absent: Steve Thiele. Motion carried 5-0.

Discuss, consider and take action on approving a classified work agreement. Motion by Schwager, seconded by Nordby, to approve a work agreement to Jeff Henning for kitchen/custodial work. Voting aye: Nordby, Schwager, Thiele, Twibell, Wagner. Nay: none. Absent: Steve Thiele. Motion carried 5-0.

Discuss, consider and take all necessary action on elementary principal contract. This item was tabled until the March meeting.

Discuss, consider and take all necessary action on junior high/senior high contract. This item was tabled until the March meeting.

Discussion on the 2024-2025 school calendar. Supt. Finke presented a preliminary 2024-2025 calendar and will bring the finished calendar to the March meeting for final approval.

Discuss, consider and take action on summer lawn care. Supt. Finke presented the proposal from Schilousky Lawn Care for the 2024 season and noted there was a 5% discount for the four-step program, if paid before March 1. Motion by Nordby, seconded by Thiele, to hire Luke Schilousky to do the four-step lawn care program as presented. Voting aye: Nordby, Schwager, Thiele, Twibell, Wagner. Nay: none. Absent: Steve Thiele. Motion carried 5-0.

Discuss, consider and take all necessary action on the Return to Learn Plan. Supt. Finke presented the Return to Learn plan. There will be no changes to the plan.

Discuss, consider and take all necessary action on renewing membership in the Nebraska Association of School Boards (NASB) for the 2024-2025 school year. Motion by Schwager, seconded by Wagner, to approve the 2024-2025 membership to the Nebraska Association of School Boards. Voting aye: Nordby, Schwager, Thiele, Twibell, Wagner. Nay: none. Absent: Steve Thiele. Motion carried 5-0.

NASB update. Supt. Finke reported on the legislative updates.

Administrative reports:

Elementary principal Mrs. Cooper: MTSS, P-T conferences, Donuts with Dudes, curriculum, school improvement.

JH/HS principal Mr. Rosenboom: P-T conferences, MTSS, pep rally, video board, activities.

Supt. Finke: NVC withdrawal letter, upcoming meeting for the new activity conference, March external visitation schedule, board election reminder.

The next regular board meeting will be Tuesday, March 12, 2024, at 7 p.m.

Vice president Schwager adjourned the meeting at 7:41 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Sally Finch,

Recording Secretary

Published February 21, 2024



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