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Details released on parish projects

New mass hours to begin in February

Following notification of approval from Archbishop George Lucas and an onsite progress check from the archdiocese's Pastoral Planning Office on Nov. 9, plans for reorganization for Catholic Parishes in Partnership, including Ewing, Deloit and Clearwater churches, will continue to take shape.

Changes through reoganization, as outlined by the local Pastoral Planning Committee, include merging eight churches into two, newly-formed parishes; streamlining administration into one office, forming two corporations representing the two new parishes; housing the pastor and assistant pastor in the Petersburg rectory and creating a family finance council, consisting of two members from the original parishes, for each of the new parishes. The council will guide the pastor in overall financial management of the family of parishes.

Five parishes - St. Peter de Alcantara, Ewing; St. John the Baptist, Deloit; St. Theresa, Clearwater; St. Francis, Neligh and Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Tilden will comprise the one new parish. The other new parish will include St. Boniface, Elgin; St. Bonaventure, Raeville; and St. John the Baptist, Petersburg.

Another condition of the radical reorganization plan is the merger of St. Boniface Grade School and Pope John Central Catholic into a PK through 12th grade school for the 2024-2025 school year.

What's new? Adoption of new parish saints, organizational structure and mass times.

Parish Patrons

According to Father John Norman, the two new canonical parishes will adopt a new name of a saint. The saint will be different from current church names.

Suggestions will be gathered and reviewed by Lucas, who will select a name for each.

Each church will retain it's name and be known as part of the parish with the new saint's name.

Norman provided an example. If St. Isidore is selected, due to the area's agricultural roots, one of the churches would be known as St. John's Church of the Isidore Parish.

Beginning in July, Catholic Parishes in Partnership will be used to refer to all eight churches. The current Rural Family K moniker will not be used.

Organizational leadership

A Local Leadership Committee will replace current parish councils at each church.

"These committees will work closely with Deacon John Starman as the director of operations.

"The Local Leadership committees will be responsible for concerns about the physical plants, organizing local volunteers and making each site a cohesive part of the family," Norman said.

Each canonical parish will have a Finance Committee that will be responsible for budgeting, cash flow and stewardship for the parish.

Both committees will work with the pastor and the family business manager.

One Pastoral Mission Council will be comprised of members from each church campus. According to Norman, the council will be responsible for establishing faith mission priorities, identifying parishioner spiritual needs and assisting with spiritual growth. The council will work directly with the pastor and evangelizational coordinator.

Mass schedule

A new Mass schedule is projected to go into effect beginning Feb. 3 and 4.

Projected Mass schedule for Saturday includes weekly services at Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Tilden. St. John's Deloit will hold Mass on the first, third and fifth Saturdays and St. Peter's Ewing will have Mass on the second and fourth Saturdays.

St. Theresa's in Clearwater will have an 8 a.m., Mass, each Sunday.

Raeville's St. Bonaventure will have Mass on the first, third and fifth Sundays, while St. John's Petersburg will conduct services on the second and fourth Sundays. Services will begin at 8 a.m., at both churches.

St. Francis in Neligh and St. Boniface in Elgin will have a 10 a.m., weekly Mass.

"The weekday mass schedule will change in July 2024," Norman said."Holy Day and Ash Wednesday masses will be announced soon.


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