Reliable, Trustworthy Reporting, Capturing The Heartbeat Of Our Community


The regular monthly meeting of the Village Board of Page was held Monday, Dec. 11, 2023, at the village office. This meeting was conducted in compliance with the Nebraska Open Meetings Act and the Open Meeting Laws are posted at the village office.

Chair Linquist called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. Trustees VanEvery, Tyrrell, Campbell and Leichleiter present. Also present: Dan Cunningham and Cora Calkins. Absent: None.

Motion by Tyrrell, second by Campbell: Approve minutes of the Nov. 13, 2023, regular meeting as presented. Passed: all ayes.

Motion by Campbell, second by Leichleiter to pay claims presented. Passed: Linquist, Tyrrell and Campbell – aye; Leichleiter and VanEvery abstained.

Claims paid: GF - Anson Insurance, 2,997.00, qtrly installment; Bomgaars, 47.78, gen sup; ColdType Publishing, 47.00, pub fees; Farmers Pride, 181.03, fuel; Great Plains Communication, 135.77, tele/internet; Hwy Allocation Savings, 734.00, Dec. match; Intuit, 153.00, QB sub; Linquist Technologies, 360.00, cloud storage; McNally Law, 150.00, prof fees; NCPPD, 621.40, elec; Visa, 411.85, pre-stamped envelopes; IRS payroll taxes, 361.17; wages, 1,569.46.

UF: Bomgaars, sup, 51.97; HOA Solutions, diagnostics, 197.81; J & J Sanitation, garbage, 1,854.67; NCPPD, 434.46, elec; NE Public Health Lab, testing, 31.00; NDEE, water operator renewal, 115.00; NMC, generator maint, 1,853.02; Visa, 29.90, postage; wages, 947.46; Payroll taxes, 197.77.

Actions taken:

Ordinance enforcement - kennel ordinance. Motion by Campbell, second by VanEvery, to have Attorney McNally send letter to concerned parties with compliance deadline date of March 1, 2024. Passed - all ayes.

J & J Sanitation rate increase. Motion by Campbell, second by Leichleiter, to take pending formal bids. Passed - all ayes.

2024 Street Superintendent - Motion by VanEvery, second by Tyrrell, to reappoint Keith Gilmore (Llicense S-697 Class A) as street superintendent for the 2024 calendar year. Passed - all ayes.

Resolution 02-2024 signing of year end Certification of City Street Superintendent 2023 - presented as follows:


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