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Proceedings Village of Clearwater Board of Trustees


Village of Clearwater BOARD OF TRUSTEES

Dec. 13, 2023

The Board of Trustees of the Village of Clearwater met for a regular meeting Wednesday, Dec. 13, at 7 p.m., in the fire hall meeting room. Meeting opened at 7 p.m. Notice of Meeting was given in advance by publication in “Summerland Advocate-Messenger,” was posted at US Post Office in Clearwater, Clearwater Market and Cornerstone Bank-Clearwater and was given to board members prior to meeting. Public was informed of location of Open Meeting Act poster.

Present: Kelly Kerkman, Marsha Hart, Brian King, Jeff Schlecht. Others present: Angie Hupp, Lauren Sheridan-Simonsen, Troy Behnke, Kyle Petersen and Jay Snider. Cody Kester arrived at 7:22 p.m.

Approved minutes of Nov. 13 regular meeting. Kester absent.

Approved treasurer’s report. Kester absent.

Jay Snider spoke to the board regarding the condition of his water. He has fought sand in the lines for years and now the unfiltered water is sludgy and brown. He replaced all water lines from the curbstop to his house several years ago but is still having issues. Kerkman told him replacement of the curbstop and lines to the main are at the top of the village’s list for a plumber, they just need to get him to town to complete it.

Approved Drawdown #5 of $9,276.25 in DTR grant funds and $1,000 in local match funds to pay $10,000 to Five Rule Rural Planning for planning services and $276.25 to NENEDD for grant administration services. Kester absent.

Approved Drawdown #7 of $36,000.00 in NAHTF grant funds to pay $2,000 to Stearns Construction for construction, $33,000 to Stearns Construction in developer fees and $1,000.00 to CDS Inspections for housing administration services. Kester absent.

Attorney Kyle Petersen said he’s been researching the possibility of an audit on the lagoon project but wanted to give his legal opinion in executive session.

Troy Behnke arrived at the meeting so Kerkman asked him when the last time was he flushed hydrants by Jay Snider’s house. He said he thought it had been around June and would get that done soon. Snider stated that an annual pressure test on the fire hydrants is required so Behnke was going to contact the fire chief to get that set up.

Opened Citizen Advisory Review Committee hearing at 7:16 p.m. Lauren Sheridan-Simonsen presented the report. Approved closing hearing at 7:18 p.m. Kester absent.

Economic report presented. Approved appointing Nick Hoffman to CARC board. Kester absent. Kerkman stepped out and didn’t vote.

Loan to Two Bills Steakhouse was tabled until legal discussion could be held in executive session.

Approved $5,000 transfer from economic savings to economic checking for telehealth room supplies and operating costs.

Approved increasing LB840 loan application fee from $35 to $100.

Approved assisting CORE board with housing study light and paying Behnke and/or Hupp to go door-to-door to request surveys be filled.

Maintenance report presented. The state permitted the village to stop chlorinating the wells.

Library report presented. Request for bids will be published soon to move the village office into the old ambulance bay and remodel the bay and library for more space. Bids should be opened at the January or February meeting.

Approved opening library savings account to separate donated funds for library improvements.

No park report presented but Kerkman gave Behnke a quote for doors for the concession bathrooms.

Clerk report presented. No action taken on changing billing systems because it is required by the company.

Sheriff wasn’t present to report. Kerkman stated he’d talked to Sheriff Moore, who was going to use inmates to clean up and organize 307 Montana St. All he needed from the village was access to the skid loader and maybe the dump truck.

Approved Resolution 2023-16 certifying Reed Miller of Miller & Associates as Clearwater street superintendent in 2023.

Approved waiving three readings of Ordinance 2023-10 then approved Ordinance 2023-10 setting wages for 2024.

Approved waiving three readings of Ordinance 2023-11 then approved Ordinance 2023-11 setting the board meeting monthly day, time and place.

Approved Cornerstone Bank as the village’s official bank for 2024.

Approved Kyle Petersen of Jarecki Sharp and Petersen as the village’s attorney for 2024.

Discussion held regarding street superintendent options. Board can keep Miller & Associates or hire Olsson Associates or Advanced Consulting Engineering Services. Approved hiring John Zwingman and Advanced Consulting Engineering Services as the village’s street superintendent for 2024.

Approved hiring John Zwingman and Advanced Consulting Engineering Services as the village’s engineering company for 2024.

Unfinished business discussed. Village board needs to find a community member willing to be on the CORE board. Board will talk to residents and present names at the January meeting.

Discussion held regarding use of ARPA funds. A final plan has to be set by April 2024 and contracts signed by December 2024 or the village will need to return funds to the federal government. Board agreed to use the funds towards the library and village office building remodel and after seeing how much it will cost, deciding what to use any remaining funds for.

No new business presented.

Approved entering executive session to discuss legal advice and prevent needless injury to an individual at 8:04 p.m.

Approved exiting executive session at 8:19 p.m.

Approved postponing decision on lagoon audit until attorney can provide more information.

Approved LB840 loan of $30,000 to Two Bills Steakhouse, with conditions.

Approved claims and payroll. Claims, $122,173.53; wages, $7,350.53.

Approved adjournment of regular meeting at 8:31 p.m.

Opened reorganizational meeting at 8:32 p.m.

Motion to keep Kelly Kerkman as board chairperson. Approved ceasing nominations. Approved Kelly Kerkman as board chairperson for 2024.

Motion to keep Cody Kester as board vice-chairperson. Approved ceasing nominations. Approved Cody Kester as board vice-chairperson for 2024.

Approved keeping committee commissioners the same.

Approved keeping Kerkman and Clerk Angie Hupp as authorized signers on all grants.

Approved keeping Kerkman, Hupp and Hart as authorized bank account signers.

Approved adjournment at 8:37 p.m.

A complete copy of the minutes is available at the clerk’s office during regular business hours.

Angie Hupp,

Village Clerk

Published December 21, 2023



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