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Amazon Capital Services, Inc., sup, 81.27; Amazon Capital Services, Inc., sup, 73.29; Amazon Capital Services, Inc., sup, 21.06; Amazon Capital Services, Inc., sup, 39.17; Amazon Capital Services, Inc., sup, 6.87; Amazon Capital Services, Inc., Library books, 18.00; Amazon Capital Services, Inc., sup - mental health grant 795.50; Amazon Capital Services, Inc., sup, 60.74; Almquist, Maltzhahn, Galloway & Luth, 2022-2023 audit, 14,350.00; Black Hills Energy - Clearwater, nat gas, 45.01; Builder’s Resource, sup, 288.78; Capital One Bk(USA), NA, fuel/rooms/fees/sup, 3,880.07; Clearwater Market, sup, 375.23; ColdType Publishing, printing, 130.00; Corner Hardware & More, sup, 1,944.38; Crowne Plaza Hotel, room - MTSS conf, 139.95; Culligan of Norfolk, sup, 508.00; DISA, Inc., bus driver testing, 260.00; Dusty’s fuel, 232.82; Eakes Office Solutions, sup, 65.07; Easy Way Safety Services, Inc., Sup, 440.00; Electronic Sound, Inc., HDMI wall transmitter, 990.00; ELite Metal Tools, MetalPro 45 ironworker, 6,996.50; Elkhorn Rural Public Power, elec, 5,707.38; Elkhorn Valley Family Medicine, bus driver physical, 173.50; ESU #8 - preschool, preschool special education, 1,293.60; ESU #8 - SA, school age special education, 12,193.00; ESU #8 - SA, Level 3 special education, 40.807.00; ESU 7, Latino Summit Conference, 40.00; ESUCC, Canvas Software - lic renew, 679.50; Ewing Family Foods, sup, 408.57; Fairfield Inn & Suites, room - PK conf, 348.00; Follett Content (Books), lib books, 460.07; Follett Content (Books), lib books, 634.56; Great Plains Communications, tele, 463.36; Greg Thramer, rent, 100.00; Harris School Solutions, sup, 533.40; Hometown Leasing #1, copier lease, 341.70; Hometown Leasing #2, printer lease, 341.70; Hometown Leasing #3, printer lease, 9.44; Innovative Ag Services, rep, 852.20; Island Supply Welding, sup, 504.63; IXL Learning, upgrade to license, 575.00; J.W. Petter & Son, Inc., Sup, 27.99; KSB School Law, legal fees, 35.00; Lazy T Tire & Implement, rep/serv, 317.73; Lazy T Tire & Implement, rep/serv, 1,952.37; Menards, sup, 34.06; MSM Enterprises, LLC, occ ther, 4,851.12; National FFA Organization, nat’l convention registration, 800.00; Nebraska Public Health Environmental Lab, water testing, 223.00; Nebraska Safety Center, bus driver training, 125.00; Northeast Nebraska Heating and Cooling, rep, 498.37; Northeast Regional Deaf Ed Program, deaf ed, 93.00; Northeast Regional Deaf Ed Program, deaf ed, 201.50; Odell, Michael P., mileage reimb, 126.42; Omnify Benefits, COBRA mgmt fee, 9.00; Orchard Lumber, sup, 20.76; Overland Rehabilitation services, phys ther, 2,042.32; Pitzer Digital, printing, 8.97; Pitzer Digital, printing, 98.51; Pitzer Digital, printing, 54.45; Quill, sup, 378.09; Rotherham Tire, tires/serv, 1,651.00; Ryan’s Truck & Tractor Repair, serv, 440.55; Ryan’s Truck & Tractor Repair, serv, 137.50; Ryan’s Truck & Tractor Repair, rep, 6.783.13; Safeguard Business Systems, sup, 805.51; Schilousky Lawn Care, winterized sprinklers, 650.00; Summerland Public School - operating, misc reimb, 1,457.25; TJ’s Market, sup, 405.34; TJ’s Market, sup, 1.69; Twig Flower & Gift, sup, 135.00; Westend Mini-Mart, fuel, 7,746.55; WEX Bank, fuel, 3,377.01; Willie’s Service, sup/serv, 134.33

Total: 134,821.70

New Building Fund: Designer Craft Woodworking, Inc., add’l shelves for mail box area, 451.00

Bond Fund: BOK Financial, principal and interest due 12/15/2023, 1,822,216.88

Published November 23, 2023



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