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The regular monthly meeting of the Village Board of Page was held Monday, Oct. 16, 2023, at the village office. This meeting was conducted in compliance with the Nebraska Open Meetings Act and the Open Meeting Laws are posted at the village office.

Chair Linquist called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. Trustees VanEvery, Tyrrell, Campbell and Leichleiter present. Also present: Coni Meyer, Jannan Sobotka and Cora Calkins. Absent: None.

Motion by Tyrrell, second by Campbell to approve minutes of the Sept. 11, 2023, regular meeting as presented. Passed: all ayes.

Motion by Leichleiter, second by VanEvery to pay claims presented. Passed: Linquist, Tyrrell and Campbell: Aye; Leichleiter and VanEvery abstained.

Claims paid: GF: Boyd Holt E-911, 2,075.00, dispatch service; Campbell, Kurtis, 40.00, qtrly stipend; ColdType Publishing, 93.12, pub fees; Dana Cole, 1,625.00, budget prep; Emme Construction, 1,500.00, street repair; Great Plains Communication, 135.01, tele/internet; Helzer, Wendy, 80.00, ark cleaning; HCED, 333.00, annual dues; Hwy Allocation Savings, 732.00, Oct. match; Intuit, 153.00, QB sub; Leichleiter, Mary Jo, 120.00, qtrly stipend; Linquist, Rachel, 120.00, qtrly stipend; McNally Law, 157.40, prof fees; Neb. Municipal Clerk Assoc., 50.00, dues; NCPPD, 634.08, elec; O’Neill Pest Control, 60.00, prof serv; O’Neill Schools, 320.00, license fees; Page Farmers Store, 464.38, fuel/sup; Tyrrell, Mark, 120.00, qtrly stipend; VanEvery, Dennis, 204.00, qtrly stipend and sup reimb; IRS, payroll taxes, 525.02; wages, 2,068.45.

UF: Calkins, Cora, 29.90, postage reimb; HOA Solutions, 2,223.13, SCADA rep; J&J Sanitation, garbage, 1,854.67; NCPPD, 413.43, elec; NE Dept of Ag, 74.42, pet license remittance; NE Dept of Revenue, 256.78, qtrly sales tax; NE Public Health Lab, testing, 221.00; NeRWA, 200.00, annual dues; O’Neill Pest Control, 60.00, prof serv; Page Farmers Store, 17.86, sup; Utility Services, 2,729.21, qtrly maint installment; Visa, 28.69, rep parts; wages, 919.05; payroll taxes, 185.63.

Actions taken:

Nuisance / Ordinance Enforcement. Motion by Tyrrell, second by Leichleiter, to refer complaints regarding junk vehicles, etc., to Attorney McNally to begin legal action. Motion passed. All present: Aye.

Motion by Campbell, second by Tyrrell, to have Attorney McNally give notice to non-compliant dog owners in violation of kennel permit ordinance. Motion passed. All present: Aye.

Animal Permit - S. Clemens. Motion by Tyrrell, second by Campbell, to approve permit. Motion passed. All ayes.

Motion by Leichleiter, second by Campbell, to adjourn. Motion passed. All present: Aye.

Adjourned at 8:58 p.m.

*Full sets of minutes are available at the Village office / /

Next meeting: Monday, Nov. 13, 2023, at 7 p.m. Agenda kept continuously current at Village Office.

/s/R Linquist, Chairperson

/s/C. Calkins, Clerk/Treasurer

Published October 26, 2023



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