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Amazon Capital Services, Inc., Sup, 509;17; AMG O’Neill, bus driver physical, 150.00; Bazile Creek Power Sports, sup, 471.91; Black Hills Energy, nat gas, 218.70; Blain Pumping and Plumbing, pumping tanks, 1,300.00; Bluum USA, Inc., warranty for new Chromebooks, 2,700.00; Bomgaars, sup, 25.56; Boyd’s Electrical Service, Inc., work on entry lights, main well, pressure transducer, 1,725.58; Bud’s Sanitary Service, LLC, trash service, 3,220.00; Bullseye Fire Sprinkler, Inc., fire sprinkler inspection, 990.00; Capital One Bk(USA), NA, sup/reg fees, 351.39; Central Community College, training fees, 85.00; Clearwater Market, sup, 246.64; Climate Systems, Inc., worked remotely on HVAC controls, 150.00; ColdType Publishing, printing, 460.62; Corner Hardware & More, sup, 2,057.38; DAS State Acctg-Central Finance OCIO, internet line charges - Sept/Oct, 535.26; DISA Inc., bus driver testing, 996.00; Dusty’s fuel, 345.86; Eakes Office Solutions, copier/printer exp & sup, 2,541.72; Egan Supply Co., sup, 2,133.31; Electronic Contracting Company, service on door system, 175.00; Elkhorn Rural Public Power, elec, 6,744.70; ESU #8 - Other, Apex seats, OTC test prep, nursing, wkshps, sped, 108,950.50; Ewing Family Foods, sup, 134.95; Ewing Feed & Supply & Trailer Sales, sup, 15.95; Eye Physicians, WC - eye injury, 446.76; Follett School Solutions, Inc., library software renewal, 1,275.42; Great Plains Communications, phone, 465.58; Greg Thramer, storage rent, 100.00; Harris School Solutions, AA Web annual hosting, 1,284.00; Heartland Communications, sup, 896.48; Holiday Inn, hotel rooms - FBLA, 599.80; Hometown Leasing #1, copier lease, 488.27; Island Supply Welding, sup, 652.66; IXL Learning, add’l licenses for PK, 425.00; Kayton International, 2023 Bobcat lease, 2,500.00; KSB School Law, legal fees, 105.00; Lazy T Tire & Implement, serv/inspection, 12.72; McGraw-Hill School Education Holdings, LLC, sup, 1,349.75; Menards, sup, 258.64; MSM Enterprises, LLC, occ ther, 3,071.71; NASB, state conf fees, 310.00; NCSA, 2023 labor relations conf, 265.00; Nebraska Public Health Environmental Lab, water testing, 15.00; Netcom, Inc., bus radios/rep, 1,600.00; Northeast Regional Deaf Ed Program, deaf ed, 165.00; Odell, Michael P, mileage reimb, 82.53; Omnify Benefits, Sept. COBRA fees, 9.00; One Source, background check fees, 5.00; Orchard Lumber, sup, 583.86; Orval’s Auto Service, Inc., rep, 59.95; Overland Rehabilitation Services, phys therapy, 1,955.06; Pitzer Digital, printing, 476.25; Quill, sup, 362.35; Rotherham Tire, sup, 132.00; Royal One Stop, fuel, 782.96; Ryan’s Truck & Tractor Repair, rep/serv, 305.83; Schilousky Lawn Care, Sept. mowing, 1,827.50; Special Ts & More, Inc., T-shirts for reading program, 258.00; Summerland Public School - operating, misc reimb, 1,507.65; TAESE/USU, sped law conference, 255.00; The Musician’s Choice, LLC, sup, 49.60; TJ’s Market, sup, 94.42; Westend Mini-Mart, fuel, 5,880.42; WEX Bank, fuel, 3,337.39

Total: 171,586.96

Published October 26, 2023



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