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Road conditions, sewer rates discussed at Clearwater meeting

Village of Clearwater officials spent part of the Oct. 9 meeting discussing the state of River Road and Nebraska Street.

Kelly Kerkman gave an update from discussion about the two stretches of road with Antelope County Commissioners, including a clerical error on annexation of the Nebraska Street.

“When they tore it up, it was still theirs,” Kerkman said. “I know both roads need to be done and we’ve got streets that need to be done, so I don’t know how to approach it.”

Trustee Cody Kester said commissioners gave a rough estimate of costs.

“They seemed receptive to provide labor and equipment to help pave it,” he said.

Trustees will meet with commissioners in November for further discussion.

Sewer rates for the Village Apartments complex were also on the agenda.

Building complex owner Don Zegers, of Neligh, approached trustees last month about how rates were determined.

In the past, the apartment complex has been charged for one sewer hookup. Now, each apartment will be billed separately.

Village officials presented a comparison of water usage from several businesses, a two-person household and a four-person residence, comparing it to the apartments.

Kerkman said usage at the apartments averages 50,833 gallons per month.

Zegers expressed concerns about the comparison.

“You’re not basing the sewer off the water, you’re basing it off what you want to charge,” Zegers said.

Kerkman said the apartments are six to eight times higher than the comparables.

Zegers questioned why the ESU Learning Center gets charged $83, while his building use charge is $350.

“That’s the discrepancy, how you determine it. Simply because there’s eight apartments there, but the volume is not. I don’t understand it,” Zegers said.

Trustees maintained their decision to charge the property for eight sewer hookup.

In other business, trustees:

• Approved the purchase of a Kubota riding mower from Dinkel Implement. An old mower will be traded in, for $11,000. Freight and delivery were not included in the bid price, which was not disclosed during the meeting. Trustee Brian King voted against the purchase.

• Learned a community meeting will be held Nov. 8, during wing night. Downtown revitalization planning members will be onsite to discuss ideas about the process.

• Instructed the library board to include a commercial door on proposed bids for the front wall of the library building.

• Signed an interlocal agreement between Antelope County and the Antelope County Library Association, for Sept. 1, 2023 to Aug. 31, 2024.


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