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County judge binds child abuse charge over to district court

The Honorable Donna Taylor, presiding from the bench in the Antelope County courtroom in Neligh on Oct. 4, found enough evidence to bind an Elgin man over to the district court on an allegation of felony child abuse.

Robert J. Suhr, 26, of Elgin faced Taylor, alongside his attorney, Brad Ewalt of Norfolk, for a preliminary hearing on the Class 3A felony alleged Sept. 2, in Elgin.

A bond hearing was held with Taylor again denying a defense request to amend a condition for no contact with the juvenile victim’s mother or her two children, except for the purpose of counseling.

Suhr is set for arraignment in the Antelope County district court Oct. 25. Bond is continued in the amount of $10,000, 10%.

Christopher Barta, 29, Irene, South Dakota, appeared for preliminary hearing on two felony counts, conspiracy to commit theft by unlawful taking and conspiracy to commit criminal mischief, alleged between April 1 and July 17. Taylor granted a defense motion to continue. The preliminary hearing is continued to Nov. 1, and bond was reduced to $25,000, 10% cash, and removal of a condition not to leave the state of Nebraska. He was remanded to the custody of Antelope County sheriff Bob Moore.

Patrick S. Murphey, 62, of Norfolk appeared for pretrial hearing on three counts, Count I, driving under the influence; Count II, refusal to submit to test; and Count III, third-degree assault, all alleged June 16. Murphey changed his pleas to guilty to counts I and III and Smith dismissed Count II and agreed to recommend a fine only on Count III. Taylor ordered Murphey to obtain a substance abuse evaluation, with credit, up to $250, to be applied toward a mandatory $500 fine on Count I. Sentencing is set Nov. 15, with $1,500, 10% bond continued.

Juan A. Ascencio, 25, of Fremont waived his right to counsel and pleaded guilty to driving during revocation, a Class 2 misdemeanor. Taylor fined him $250, assessed $50 costs and revoked his driver’s license for an additional year. He was cited June 6 by a Nebraska State Patrol trooper on Highway 275, near mile marker 48.

Kami M. Ash, 28, of Wood River pleaded guilty, by waiver, to an amended charge, driving during suspension, a Class 3 misdemeanor. Ash, who had pleaded not guilty to a Class 2 misdemeanor charge, driving during revocation, Sept. 6, was fined $100 and taxed $49 costs. Ash was cited July 21 by a Nebraska State Patrol officer.

Jennifer Roberts, 46, of Occidental, California, pleaded guilty, by waiver, to a count of possessing an open alcohol container. She was fined $50 and $49 costs for the July 3 offense.

Matthew J. Wright, 48, of Oakdale appeared for a show-cause hearing to request waiver of a 30-day jail sentence. Taylor reviewed a letter from his probation officer and other documents, then ordered the jail time be waived. She reminded Wright that he is still on probation, until mid-November and is subject to all terms.


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