Reliable, Trustworthy Reporting, Capturing The Heartbeat Of Our Community




Amazon Capital Services, Inc., sup, 1,393.15; Antelope Memorial Hospital, bus driver physical, 185.00; Antelope Memorial Hospital, bus driver physical, 185.00; Auto Glass Solutions, windshield, 2,716.25; Black Hills Energy, nat gas, 182.92; Butch's Body Shop, rep, 70.00; Capital One Bk(USA), NA, sup, 567.50; Central Nebraska Rehabilitation services, occ ther, 314.30; ColdType Publishing, printing, 110.88; Corner Hardware & More, sup, 4,954.91; DAS State Acctg - Central Finance OCIO, internet line charges, 411.68; DISA, bus driver testing sup, 100.00; Dusty's, fuel, 82.50; Eakes Office Solutions, copier/printer exp, 1,314.23; Egan Supply Co., sup, 9,154.72; Electronic Contracting Company, rep, 864.02; Elkhorn Rural Public Power, elec, 4,527.09; ESU #8 - other, wkshp fees/SRS chgs, 1,748.74; Ewing Feed & Supply & Trailer Sales, sup, 216.29; Great Plains Communications, tele, 387.27; Greg Thramer, bus storage, 100.00; Harris School Solutions, bookkeeping/time clock software annual maintenance, 7,987.40; Holiday Inn, hotel room, 124.95; Hometown Leasing #1, copier lease, 341.70; Hometown Leasing #2, printer lease, 137.13; Illuminate Education, Inc., EduCLIMBER Software lic renew, 2,775.00; Innovative Office Solutions, sup, 2,681.43; Island Supply Welding, sup, 267.40; Jensen Publishing, sub renew, 26.00; Jostens, Inc., sup, 574.56; Lab-Aids, sup, 132.95; Lazy T Tire & Implement, UPS charges, 15.94; McGraw-Hill School Education Holdings, LLC, sup, 5,707.29; Menards, sup, 79.06; Motion Picture Licensing Corporation, annual lic renew, 248.97; MSM Enterprises, LLC, occ ther, 24.17; NASB, evaluation tool membership dues, 350.00; NCSA, 2023-2024 NAESP Region III membership, 20.00; Nebraska Public Health Environmental Lab, water testing, 83.00; Nebraska Safety Center, testing, 540.00; Orchard Lumber, sup, 23.98; Overland Rehabilitation services, phys ther, 838.13; Pitzer Digital, printing, 151.05; Popplers Music, Inc., sup, 18.17; Realityworks, sup, 273.90; Ryan's Truck & Tractor Repair, rep, 8.19; Sanne Service, LLC, batteries/labor, 501.00; Schilousky Lawn Care, June mowing/dirt work, 1,990.00; School Datebooks, sup, 622.55; School Specialty, LLC, sup, 1,163.25; Seesaw, sub renew for 23-24, 999.00; Summerland Public School - Operating, misc reimb, 1,593.57; Top O The Rock Designs, sup, 24.00; Wards Science, sup, 179.68; Westend Mini Mart, fuel, 390.89; WEX Bank, fuel, 129.78; NRCSA, 2023-24 membership, 850.00.

Total: 61,830.54

Published July 27, 2023



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