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Village of Clearwater


July 10, 2023

The Board of Trustees of the Village of Clearwater met for a regular meeting Monday, July 10, at 8 p.m., in the fire hall meeting room. Meeting opened at 8 p.m. Notice of Meeting was given in advance by publication in “Summerland Advocate-Messenger,” posted at US Post Office in Clearwater, Clearwater Market and Cornerstone Bank-Clearwater and was given to board members prior to meeting. Public was informed of location of Open Meeting Act poster.

Present: Kelly Kerkman, Marsha Hart, Cody Kester, Brian King, Jeff Schlecht. Others present: Angie Hupp, Kyle Petersen, Lauren Sheridan-Simonsen, Troy Behnke, LuAnn Schindler, Cole and Amy Scott, Sharon King, Chantel King, Maria Swanson.

Approved minutes from June 12, 2023 regular meeting.

Approved treasurer’s report.

Late utility bills presented.

Kester updated the board on discussions with Antelope County Commissioners regarding River Rd., north of Hwy. 275 and Nebraska St., east of River Rd., south of Hwy. 275, that the county tore up without permission from the village. No decisions have been made.

Approved housing administration contract with CDS Inspections to handle applications for sale of NAHTF grant duplex units.

Approved paying off lagoon operating loan at Cornerstone Bank for $394,744.25 with available water/sewer funds.

Approved transferring $210,000 from lagoon savings to water/sewer checking to cover operating loan payoff and combining water, sewer and lagoon savings accounts into one water/sewer savings account.

Approved raising sewer rates $5 from $38.50 to $43.50 per user and charging the apartment building for sewer for each unit, as well as charging the ESU building for two sewer hookups as was done in the past. Changes will take effect after an ordinance is passed at the August meeting and the school and apartment complex are notified via letter.

Approved waiving three readings of Ordinance 2023-5.

Approved Ordinance 2023-5, changing the speed limit on River Rd./516 Ave., within village corporate limits to 35 miles per hour.

Approved building permit for Gail and Connie Cronin storage shed.

Approved building permit for Travis and Maria Swanson carport, front porch and privacy fence.

Approved building permit for Kelly and Amy Kerkman privacy fence.

Approved armor coat bid from Topkote of $2.378 per square yard of asphalt for 18 blocks. Schlecht Trucking will deliver 229 tons of red rock at $35.63 per ton.

Tabled decision regarding installing one inch water line from the main to the rodeo grounds until ordinances and state statutes can be reviewed.

Discussion held regarding responsibility of payment to plumber for water leak at 101 Nevada St., between curbstop and meter pit. Per the ordinances, the board paid the plumber and will invoice the owner for the cost to repair.

Maintenance and economic development reports presented.

Approved increase of 13% for upcoming fiscal year economic development contract. Usual 5% for cost of living, with an additional 8% to adjust for extra-high inflation in the past two years. King voted against.

Tabled decision on replacing windows and front door of library until other options and quotes can be collected.

Library and park reports presented.

Clerk report presented. Tabled decision on repairing clerk’s office front door until more quotes are received and decision is made regarding library front.

Approved Resolution 2023-11, selling 507 First St., to Tony Blecher for $2,000, with all but the east 30 feet in an easement for drainage purposes.

Approved waiving three readings of Ordinance 2023-4.

Approved Ordinance 2023-4, setting a $50 late fee, per dog, per year, for dog owners who don’t follow the licensing ordinance deadline of May 1 each year.

Tabled agenda item 15, approving an ordinance for utility deposits since it was written on the agenda incorrectly.

Discussion held with public comment regarding nuisance ordinance enforcement.

Discussion held regarding feral cat problem. No solutions were found. Board would like input and suggestions from the public.

No sheriff’s report presented.

Unfinished business discussed. Decision made to wait on painting parking lines on Main St. and see what opinions are at public meetings for downtown revitalization planning.

Approved using Gina Northcutt of Professional Accounting Solutions in Norfolk to prepare the upcoming fiscal year budget.

Confirmed Monday, Aug. 14, as next board meeting, with a budget workshop an hour before.

Approved entering executive session to discuss litigation and for prevention of needless injury to an individual at 10:04 p.m.

Approved exiting executive session at 10:42 p.m.

Approved claims and payroll. Claims: $426,977.80; wages: $9,067.71.

Approved adjourning the meeting at 10:43 p.m.

A complete copy of the minutes is available at the clerk’s office during regular business hours.

Angie Hupp,

Village Clerk

Published July 20, 2023



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