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Proceedings Village of Page



June 12, 2023

The regular monthly meeting of the village board of Page was held Monday, June 12, 2023, at the village office. This meeting was conducted in compliance with the Nebraska Open Meetings Act and the Open Meeting Laws are posted at the village office.

Chair Linquist called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. Trustees Tyrrell, VanEvery and Leichleiter present. Also present: Cora Calkins. Absent: Bartak.

Motion by Tyrrell, second by VanEvery, to approve minutes of the May 8, 2023, regular meeting as presented. Passed: All ayes.

Motion by Tyrrell, second by Leichleiter, to pay claims presented. Passed: Linquist and Tyrrell - Ayes. Leichleiter and VanEvery abstained.

Claims paid:

GF: ColdType Publishing, 44.16, publication fees; Farmers Store, 189.91, fuel/gen sup; Great Plains Communication, 116.94, telephone/internet; Hwy Allocation, 755.00, June match; Intuit, 145.00, QB sub; McNally Law, 326.20, prof fees; NCPPD, 615.41, elec; Wendy Helzer, 80.00, park cleaning; Gayle Mahood, 300.00, spray/sup; Visa, 459.22, sub/culvert markers; Payroll taxes, 544.43; Wages, 2116.67.

UF: Payroll taxes, 115.66; J&J Sanitation, garbage, 1,875.80; NCPPD, elec, 363.19; NE Public Health Lab, testing, 268.00; Visa, water postage, 92.90; Caleb Mosel, 54.97, refund util deposit; Municipal Supply, 550.00, hypochlorite; Wages, 690.37.

Trustee Bartak entered at 7:26 p.m.

Actions taken:

Kennel ordinance. Motion by VanEvery, second by Leichleiter, to waive the three readings and adopt Ordinance 2-202.1: AN ORDINANCE OF THE Village of Page, Holt County, NEBRASKA, ESTABLISHING KENNEL REGULATIONS, PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE PUBLICATION OF THIS ORDINANCE IN PAMPHLET FORM. Motion passed 4 to 1, with Linquist, Tyrrell, Leichleiter and VanEvery voting Aye; Bartak, Nay.

Animal Permit: Lee Ickes. Motion by Bartak, second by Leichleiter, to grant permit for cattle. Passed 4 to 1, with Linquist, Bartak, Leichleiter and VanEvery voting Aye; Tyrrell, Nay.

Motion by Tyrrell, second by VanEvery, to adjourn. Passed: All ayes.

Adjourned at 8:35 p.m.

Full set of minutes are available at the village office, and

Next meeting: Monday, July 10, 2023, at 7 p.m. Agenda kept continuously current at village office.

/S/ R. Linquist, chairperson

/S/ C. Calkins, treasurer

Published June 22, 2023



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