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No zero days

Is there something about your health you'd like to change?

For most Americans, this question usually triggers a wide range of responses. In my practice, most responses usually center on wanting to lose weight, being more consistent with an exercise routine or finally stopping smoking, drinking or vaping. What do these three lifestyle changes have in common? They are really, really hard to do.

Behavioral modification of daily habits and routines is a very difficult process. Humans tend to get stuck in a daily rut and stay in that groove day after day. The mental and physical energy required to change our diet or exercise on a daily basis often feels overwhelming.

So, I'd like to introduce you to a new mindset to try if you are one of the millions of Americans looking to make health and lifestyle changes: No Zero Days.

Now this is not my invention, but rather has made the rounds on the internet for quite some time, originating from a motivational response by a user from the website, Reddit.

The premise is simple:

1. No Zero Days. No matter what, each day you do something toward getting closer to goals or dreams. If a goal is to lose 30 pounds by the end of the year, then every single day you must do something to get closer to that goal, no matter how small. Over-eat at every meal? Had too many snacks throughout the day? Skip that late-night snack, do a couple of sit ups or push ups before bed, or spend the evening doing some healthy meal or snack prepping for the rest of the week. Even the smallest steps add up on your journey to your goal in the long run.

2. Your new best friends. Think of your past self as your new best friend, because they've been doing all these No Zero Day things to help get to a goal each day before today. Your future self is also your best friend, which is why you want to do these small No Zero Day steps today: to be kind to your future best friend.

3.Self-forgiveness. Guilt, disappointment, failure and regret can put us in a cycle of negative thoughts, which hinder our progress toward our goal. Forgiving ourselves each day allows us to keep working toward our goal without guilt and remorse weighing us down.

4. Exercise and reading every single day help fuel our body and mind, regardless of our end goals. Even one push up, even one Page: No Zero Days.

Remember, every marathon starts with a few small steps forward. Let each small day cascade into large lifestyle changes that get us to the healthy life of your dreams.

No Zero Days.

Mark D. List, MD, is a Family Medicine Doctor and currently practices at Avera Medical Group, 69th and Cliff, in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Follow The Prairie Doc® at and on Facebook featuring On Call with the Prairie Doc®, a medical Q&A show providing health information based on science, built on trust, streaming live on Facebook most Thursdays at 7 p.m. central.


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