Reliable, Trustworthy Reporting, Capturing The Heartbeat Of Our Community

-Isms: Views on life in rural America

I’m a firm believer that it takes a village to raise a child.

This week, I’m a firm believer that it takes a village to get the paper from InDesign to our printer in Iowa to your mailbox or vendor, if you aren’t a subscriber.

By the time you’re reading this column, I should be home, recuperating from hip replacement surgery. The sciatic pain I’ve experienced for the past 18 months turned into a painful hobble that, eventually, I could not stand anymore (literally). I visited an orthopedic surgeon, who produced physical evidence that half of the right ball joint had deteriorated. He gave me two choices. I chose the best of them.

Prior to Monday, someone asked me how I would get the paper produced since I would be sedated all Monday and learning to walk again Tuesday.

Easy. I have the best co-workers who know that even if the publisher isn’t in-house, the show - er, the paper - must go on. I sent oodles of pages of notes to Courtney, who will navigate last-minute details with Elizabeth, who received a crash course on finalizing pages. Erin stockpiled a few stories I can use while I’m out of commission. Sandy keeps everything edited and moving smoothly. I’ve talked to staff photographers to make sure they know what events need to be covered. Scott will continue to handle circulation duties.

The SAM fam will take care of everything, per usual. It’s a team effort here every week. If you want to contribute photos, email us.

I’m going to be back in action before you know it. The doc told me that in 10 days, I’d feel like a new woman. I hope I walk like one. He also promised I’d be running a marathon in six weeks.

Let’s not push it, doc.


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