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Summerland SCHOOL

Amazon Capital Services, Inc., sup, 270.65; Antelope County Clerk, election ballot fees, 1,691.07; Black Hills Energy, nat gas, 573.58; Bomgaars, sup, 59.44; Capital One Bk(USA), NA, sup/meals, 274.29; Clearwater Market, sup, 119.02; ColdType Publishig, printing, 115.20; Culligan of Norfolk, serv, 85.00; DAS State Acctg-Central Finance OCIO, internet line carges, 411.70; Dusty’s, fuel, 691.37; Eakes, sup, 195.98; Egan Supply Co., sup, 2,778.67; Electronic Contracting Company, annual alarm central monitoring, 324.00; Electronic Systems, Inc., remote 911 connection annual fee, 300.0; Elkhorn Rural Public Power, elec, 6,799.63; ESU #8, sped/workshop fees, 44,841.10; Ewing Family Foods, sup, 504.98; Follet Content (Books), lib books, 556.99; Great Plains Communications, tele, 440.74; Greg Thramer, bus storage, 100.00; Holt County Clerk, 2022 election fees, 1,856.52; Hometown Leasing, copier/printer lease - two months; 957.66; Island Supply Welding, sup, 365.25; J.W. Pepper & Son, Inc., sup, 46.25; Jostens/Ryan Kinseth, sup, 168.00; Justice Fire & Safety, rep, 3,579.32; Knox County clerk, election fees, 100.00; KSB School Law, legal serv, 140.00; Lazy T Tire & Implement, sup, 42.25; MSM Enterprises, LLC, OT, 2,426.63; NASB ALICAP, workers comp-add’l due, 3,802.00; Northeast Regional Deaf Ed Program, deaf ed, 135.00; NRCSA, 2023 NRCSA Legislative Forum, 80.00; O’Neill Public School, speech, 579.33; Orchard Lumber, sup, 47.95; Overland Rehabilitation Services, PT, 1,958.91; Pitzer Digital, printing, 8.26; Quill, sup, 567.14; Royal One Stop, fuel, 2,207.85; Ryan’s Truck & Tractor Repair, rep, 5,705.97; Sanne Service, LLC, serv, 360.00; Summerland Public School - operating, misc reimb, 5,541.15; TJ’s Market, sup, 114.71; Top O The Rock Designs, sup, 682.80; Westend Mini Mart, fuel, 1,596.48; WEX Bank, fuel, 4,987.00; Willie’s Service, rep/serv, 2,378.36; NASB, membership renew, 4,827.00; Schilousky Lawn Care, four-step lawn care program, 10,694.15

Total: 117,109.55

Published February 23, 2023



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