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Approved Bills Summerland Public School



Amazon Capital Services, Inc., sup, 804.08; AMGL, PC, audit fees, 16,500.00; Antelope Memorial Hospital, bus driver physical, 185.00; Black Hills Energy, nat gas, 310.26; Blackburn Mfg. Co., sup, 738.00; Bomgaars, sup, 43.94; BrainPOP LLC, sub renew, 3,515.00; Bud’s Sanitary Services, LLC, Nov/Dec trash pickup, 1,462.50; Capital One Bk(USA), NA, sup/hotel rooms/meals/fuel, 4,051.29; Clearwater Market, sup, 91.04; Climate Systems, Inc., labor to fix email issue with alarms, 540.00; ColdType Publishing, printing, 130.08; Dakota Potters Supply, LLC, sup, 294.00; DAS State Accounting Central, internet line charges, 411.70; DISA, Inc., fees, 8.85; Dusty’s, fuel, 339.60; Egan Supply Co., sup, 2,486.03; Elkhorn Rural PP - Ewing, elec, 6.029.19; ESU #1, preschool early intervention testing, 246.00; ESU #8, workshop fees, 192.50; ESU #8, sped, 47,082.80; Ewing Family Foods, sup, 223.31; Follett Content (books), library books, 407.49; Gopher, sup, 56.45; Great Plains Communications, tele, 459.98; Greg Thramer, storage, 100.00; Guard911, LLC, setup/activation fee and one-year service fee, 2,188.00; Harris School Solutions, AAweb annual hosting and 1095B forms, 1,304.55; Holiday Inn, room, 149.95; Hometown Leasing, copier exp, 341.70; Island Supply Welding, sup, 611.07; J.W. Pepper & Son, Inc., sup, 22.50; KSB School Law, legal fees, 162.50; Lazy T Tire & Implement, sup/tires/serv, 653.08; McGraw-Hill School Education Holdings, LLC, sup, 121.63; MSM Enterprises, LLC, occ therapy, 2,910.26; Nebraska Public Health Environmental Lab, water testing, 673.00; Northeast Regional Deaf Ed Program, deaf education, 195.00; Orchard Lumber, sup, 15.98; Orval’s Auto Service, Inc., rep/serv, 1,120.65; Overland Rehabilitation Services, phys therapy, 1,570.08; Pitzer Digital, printing, 179.31; Quill, sup, 531.04; Royal One Stop, fuel, 2,124.60; Ryan’s Truck & Tractor Repair, rep, 394.10; Sanne Service, LLC, sup, 55.78; Summerland Public School - operating, misc reimb, 1,183.59; The Juice Plus Co, sup, 151.00; TJ’s Market, sup, 180.49; Uline, sup, 1,149.17; Village of Clearwater, water, 5.00; Westend Mini Mart, fuel, 3,378.25; WEX, fuel, 5,221.74; Willie’s Service, rep/serv, 876.64

Total: 114,169.75

Building Fund:

John Prouty Construction, work on retention pond and set pump site, 6,430.00; Sargent Drilling Company, removal of dropped pipe, 15,937.50; Schilousky Lawn Care, seeding retention pond, 3,950.00; Schuetze Sod, sod around track area, 10,656.00

Total: 36,973.50

Published December 22, 2022



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