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American's energy independence

Nearly two weeks prior to the first day of winter, we have seen snow, ice and freezing conditions across the Third District. While precipitation is needed to relieve Nebraska’s fourth-driest year on record, and snowfall may have many dreaming of a white Christmas, colder-than-average temperatures are expected to accompany historically high energy costs this winter.

Energy is an outsized operational expense for agriculture producers. Elevated input costs are taking a toll on farmers and ranchers working hard to feed and fuel the world. Diesel prices are about $1.20 higher per gallon in Nebraska than a year ago, and around the country, the margin of increase is even greater. Home heating oil, similar in composition to diesel, has more than doubled in price since the winter of 2015-2016. The Energy Information Administration estimates homeowners who use heating oil will see heating bills 45% higher than last winter. Furthermore, natural gas prices are an astounding 66% higher than 2021.

Energy reliability is a critical buffer against extreme temperatures. As we face steep costs severely impacted by President Biden’s restrictions on American energy, maximizing opportunities across the energy spectrum to boost supply should drive our policymaking. Ending the regulatory assault on U.S. energy development and financing will be a key priority for House Republicans in the new year.

ethanol is a valuable, sustainable component of an all-of-the-above winning approach to energy. This week, I introduced the bipartisan Consumer and Fuel Retailer Choice Act which would allow for the year-round, nationwide sale of E15. I have long championed year-round E15 which ensures greater choice and opportunity for consumers and producers alike. Earlier this year, I pushed the Biden administration to extend availability of E15 during the summer which helped alleviate pain at the pump. There is no reason for the Environmental Protection Agency not to extend to E15 the same year-round regulatory relief currently provided to E10.

Unelected bureaucrats at EPA, as well as Democrat elected officials, must be held accountable for the way their out-of-touch energy policies affect Americans. Proponents of heavy-handed Green New Deal policies want to pile on more barriers to innovation and industry, but Republicans will prevent this through our Commitment to America agenda. President Biden must reverse the freeze on federal oil and gas leases he instituted on day-one of his presidency. His policies are killing American jobs and further hampering our supply chain while he pursues energy dependence on nations like Venezuela and Saudi Arabia.

Limiting energy production within our borders is a costly mistake. We need to streamline permitting processes for petroleum and liquid natural gas and end reliance on the Chinese Communist Party and Russia for critical minerals, such as uranium. Diversifying our energy portfolio will help us gain energy independence and get the economy on the road to recovery.

We cannot afford to leave anything on the table as we fight for American energy independence. An all-of-the-above approach to energy policy must be central to our efforts.


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