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Amazon Capital Services, Inc., lib books/sup; 521.22; American Speech-Language Hearing Association, dues, 253.00; Appleby, Greg A., mileage, 850.00; Black Hills Energy, nat gas, 260.65; Bomgaars, sup, 55.09; Capital One Bk(USA), NA, sup/wkshps/fees/etc., 4,842.06; Clearwater Market, sup, 194.88; ColdType Publishing, printing, 449.80; Daktronics, rep to buzzer horn in main gym, 776.25; DAS State Acctg-Central Finance OCIO, internet charges, 300.94; Eakes Office Solutions, copier exp, 195.98; Egan Supply Co., sup, 2,549.18; Elkhorn Rural PP - Ewing, elec, 5,529.98; ESU #8 - other, wkshp fees, 160.00; ESU #8 - other, Marzano training, 4,500.00; ESU #8 - other, E-rate contract, 1,000.00; ESU #8 - other, nursing contract, 51,504.00; ESU #8 - other, OTC test prep, 2,816.00; ESU #8 - other, tech contract, 73,500.00; ESU #8 - SPED, spec ed, 47,914.60; ESU 7, wkshp mat’l/sup, 120.00; Ewing Family Foods, sup, 44.47; Follett Content (Books), lib books, 1,239.76; Glen Cheatum, sup, 1,266.43; Great Plains Communications, tele, 466.76; Greg Thramer, storage rent, 100.00; Holiday Inn, rooms-MTSS Summit, 389.85; Hometown Leasing, copier exp, 341.70; Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, sup, 964.89; In the Spotlight Costume Shop, LLC, one-act sup, 309.40; Island Supply Welding, sup, 242.02; J.W Pepper & Son, Inc., sup, 108.81; KSB School Law, legal srvcs, 130.00; Lazy T Tire & Implement, sup/serv, 211.51; Main Street Repair, rep/serv, 408.13; MARC, sup, 789.50; Menards, sup, 20.77; MSM Entrprises, LLC, occ ther, 4,268.03; National Art & School Supplies, Inc., Sup, 343.91; NCSA, 2022 legislative preview/school safety and sec summit; MTSS summit, 775.00; Nebraska Public Health Environmental Lab, water testing, 85.00; Orchard Lumber, sup, 236.56; Orval’s Auto service, Inc., rep, 530.45; Otis Elevator Company, serv fees, 125.00; Overland Rehabilitation Services, phys ther, 1,742.86; Pitzer Digital, print, 140.94; Quality Iron & Metal, sup, 265.60; Rotherham Tire, tires/serv/sup, 2,125.45; Royal One Stop, fuel, 1,310.30; Schilousky Lawn Care, Oct mowing/aeration/winterization, 1,760.00; Summerland Public School - operating, misc reimb, 1,202.98; The College Board, sup, 21.95; TJ’s Market, sup, 77.28; Village of Clearwater, water, 5.00; Village of Ewing, water/sewer, 119.57; Westend Mini-Mart, fuel, 5,184.25; WEX Bank, fuel, 2,980.54; Wheeler County Cler,, LB644 postcards, 19.09

Total: 229,109.11

Building Fund (bond proceeds): Schilousky Lawn Care, 24 sprinklers around water tank, 3,720.00; Wettlaufer Landscapes, landscaping around school sign, 3,969.97

Total: 7,689.97

Bond Fund: BOK Financial, prin/int/fees, 1,805,755.63

Published November 24, 2022



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