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Water, sewer rates discussed during Ewing meeting

Ewing village trustees faced a light agenda during Monday evening’s meeting at city hall.

Village clerk Sharon Swails presented a proposed fee schedule to trustees, based on information from the Nebraska Rural Water Association.

She told trustees she has questions about the suggested rates and will need to speak to Randy Hellbusch from NERWA before trustees approve the rates.

“We’ve been playing phone tag,” Swails said.

Rates will be addressed next month, since an ordinance needs to approved.

In other business, trustees:

• approved the final financial report for the comprehensive plan grant;

• suggested village maintenance man Alan Potter take the Walker mower to Norfolk, instead of Thedford, for servicing. Potter told trustees the mower’s hydrostat hasn’t worked properly since it was worked on at an area business.

• discovered the Antelope-Holt-Knox County hazard mitigation plan will need to be updated. Swails said she and Ewing Volunteer Fire and Rescue Chief Ryan Schrunk will meet to update information.

• learned five trees were planted in Schmidt Park, Oct. 2. Trees were received through a forestry grant.


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