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Approved bills Summerland School


Summerland SCHOOL

Summerland - Operating Acc’t, misc reimb, 1,915.88; 5 Minute Kids, sup, 111.00; Amazon Capital Services, Inc., sup, 366.05; Anson, Kelly, reimb-dance, 500.00; Antelope Memorial Hospital, bus driver physical, 312.00; Austin T. Good, Aug. 2022 mowing, 280.00; Auto Glass Solutions, windshield, 1,307.20; Black Hills Energy - Ewing, nat gas, 198.35; Bud’s Sanitary Service, trash, 1,300.00; Capital One Bk(USA), NA, sup, 4,833.36; Clearwater Market, sup, 58.57; ColdType Publishing, print, 151.78; Corner Hardware & More, sup, 872.31; Dusty’s, fuel, 370.87; Egan Supply Co., sup, 5,110.17; Elkhorn Rural Public Power, elec, 6,983.03; ESU #8 - other, workshop fees, 610.00; Ewing Family Foods, sup, 218.26; Ewing Feed & Supply & Trailer Sales, sup, 408.58; Farmer’s Pride, fuel, 46.12; Ferguson Ag, sup, 122.50; Fleet US, LLC, sup, 2,691.00; Follett Content (Books), library books, 2,966.04; Follett School Solutions, software renew, 1,128.63; Gene’s Sharpening Service, sharpening, 291.00; Gopher, sup, 173.59; Great Plains Communications, tele, 467.31; Hillyard, sup, 320.44; Hometown Leasing, copier lease, 341.70; Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, math curric matls, 1,162.20; Island Supply Welding, sup, 328.20; JourneyEd, software renew, 500.00; Kayton International, Bobcat rental, 2,500.00; KSB School Law, legal services, 3,630.50; McGraw-Hill Education Holdings, LLC, sup, 11.13; MSM Enterprises, therapy, 1,349.43; NE Council School Administrators, membership renew, 594.00; Nebraska Public Health Environmental Lab, water testing, 863.00; Nebraska Safety Center, driver training, 200.00; Northeast Nebraska Heating and Cooling, sup, 31.36; NutKase, sup, 4,082.85; O’Neill Shopper, back to school safety ad, 49.00; Orchard Lumber, sup, 22.38; Ori Learning, sup, 89.00; Overland Rehab, LLC, therapy, 892.36; Orval’s Auto service, Inc., rep/serv, 1,441.95; Pitzer Digital, print, 162.60; Rotherham Tire, serv/sup, 72.50; Royal One Stop, fuel, 724.45; Ryan’s Truck & Tractor Repair, inspect/serv/rep, 18,193.76; Safeguard Business Systems, sup, 398.76; Savvas Learning Company, LLC, sup, 648.00; Schilousky Lawn Care, mowing, 3,595.00; Special Ts & More, Inc., sup, 317.25; Staples Advantage, sup, 239.98; TJ’s Market, sup, 35.73; TJ’s Market, sup, 90.00; University of Nebraska at Kearney, transitional teacher contract, 2,000.00; Vernier Software & Technology, sup, 263.00; Village of Clearwater, water fees, 5.00; Village of Ewing, water/sewer, 211.00; Voyager Sopris Learning, sup, 360.00; Westend Mini Mart, fuel, 3,393.76; WEX Bank, fuel, 2,008.31; Willie’s Service, rep/serv, 4,100.45

Total: 89,022.65

Building Fund (Bond Proceeds): Hausmann Construction, Inc., 55,990.32

Published September 22, 2022



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