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Notice of Public Hearing On An Application For the Community Development Block Grant Program



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Aug. 24, 2022, in the Ewing Village board room, the Village of Ewing will hold a public hearing concerning an application to the Nebraska Department of Economic Development for a Community Development Block Grant.This grant is available to local governments for community/ economic development activities.

The Village of Ewing is requesting $433,000 for the Village of Ewing, Holt County, Nebraska, to implement the addition of storm sewer infrastructure, along with a street improvement project, within the municipal limits of the village. Construction of a storm sewer pipe will take place on South Pine from Nebraska Street and run south for two blocks, then turn east for another two blocks down an alley and end on the east side of Road 45B. From Road 45B, an 8-foot flat bottom ditch will run east for approximately 1,278 feet, then turn south and continue for another 300 feet, where it will discharge into the Elkhorn River. Additionally, the Village of Ewing proposes to pave a one-block section of South Pine Street from Nebraska Street to Grant Street. Public involvement in Village planning activities has indicated that the need to address the pooling of storm water in residential areas is a high priority within the village. The total project area covers a distance of approximately one mile. The streets are owned and maintained by the village and are surrounded by a mix of commercial and residential usage. The street is currently gravel.

Project activities include the construction of storm sewer infrastructure to eliminate the pooling of storm water in the streets. The installation of reinforced concrete pipe graduating from 24 inches to 42 inches, as well as the installation of inlets, is proposed, as well as the installation of a drainage ditch to discharge the storm water away from village streets and out to the Elkhorn River. Additionally, the replacement of a one-block section of the gravel street with concrete paving is proposed, to protect that street section from continued damage. All the work in this project will happen in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Project impacts may include temporary road closures, noise and dust. Businesses, residents and emergency services will be notified of all road closures and will be routed to alleyways or other roads during construction. Project activities will take place during normal business hours.

Total project costs are estimated at $884,300, including $25,000 for general administration and $8,000 for construction management. Funding sources include a Community Development Block Grant for $433,000 and a match from the village of $451,300. The project will primarily benefit low- to moderate-income persons. Construction will be completed within thirty (30) months. No persons, businesses or farms will be displaced as a result of the project activities.

The grant application will be available for public inspection at Ewing City Office. All interested parties are invited to attend this public hearing at which time you will have an opportunity to be heard regarding the grant application. Written and oral testimony will also be accepted at the public hearing scheduled for 7 p.m., Aug. 24, 2022, at the Ewing village board meeting room. Written comments addressed to James Ramold at P.O. Box 333, Ewing, NE 68735-0333 will be accepted if received on or before Aug. 22, 2022.

Individuals requiring physical or sensory accommodations, including interpreter service, Braille, large print or recorded materials, should contact Sharon Swails at 209 E. Nebraska Street, Ewing, Nebraska, 402-626-7718, no later than Aug. 22, 2022. Accommodations will be made for persons with disabilities and non-English speaking individuals provided that a two-day notice is received by the Village of Ewing.

Published August 18, 2022



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