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Proceedings Village of Clearwater Board of Trustees


Village of Clearwater


June 13, 2022

The Board of Trustees of the Village of Clearwater met in regular session Monday, June 13, at 8 p.m., in the fire hall meeting room. Meeting opened at 8 p.m. Notice of Meeting was given in advance by publication in Summerland Advocate-Messenger and notice was given to board members prior to meeting. Public was informed of location of Open Meeting Act poster.

Present: Kevin Filsinger, Steve Hankla, Kelly Kerkman, Steve Stearns, Cody Kester. Others present: Kate Ahlers, Kyle Petersen, LuAnn Schindler, Lauren Sheridan-Simonsen, Sheriff Bob Moore, Jeff Schlecht, Dawn Curtis, James Bolling, Andrew Blecher, Bill Thiele, Angie Hupp.

Approved regular minutes and treasurer’s report for May.

Late water bills presented. No customers received disconnect notices.

Opened hearing at 8:02 p.m. for Citizens Advisory Review Committee report presented by Dawn Curtis. Committee found LB840 funds being spent appropriately.

Approved closing hearing at 8:06 p.m. Approved CARC report.

Approved moving up agenda item 22, sheriff’s report. Need annual permission from Neb. Game and Parks Commissioner for parking along Cowboy Trail during rodeo.

Discussed condition of corner of 515.5 Ave., by James Bolling’s residence, on way to lagoon. Extra rock needs to be removed so Bolling can turn it back to grass.

Approved addition and garage building permit for James Bolling. Approved attached garage/storage building permit for Jerry Doke. Approved detached garage/shed building permit for Marshall Waller, with recommendation for size variance from planning commission.

Approved moving forward to apply for Downtown Revitalization planning grant. Approved authorizing Steve Hankla as signing representative on all paperwork regarding planning grant.

Approved final contract with Neb. Economic Development for NAHTF grant. Stearns abstained.

Approved waiving three readings of Ordinance 2022-9 adjusting trash rates. Approved Ordinance 2022-9, adjusting trash rates. Senior rate was corrected to $14.75 per month. Residential remains at $18.25, commercial at $22.25.

Approved replacing Mike Klabenes on planning commission with Caleb Pelster, per commission recommendation.

Approved planning commission recommendation to change zoning regulation Section 2, Article 3.1, Large Lot Residential District wording. Changed corporate limits to jurisdiction.

Approved waiving three readings of Ordinance 2022-10 changing zoning of Ahlers property at NW 6-25-7 from agricultural to large lot residential. Approved Ordinance 2022-10 changing zoning of Ahlers property at NW 6-25-7 from agricultural to large lot residential.

Approved four lots split off Sanne property at Contois Subdivision Lot 13, to create alley behind houses on east end of Nebraska St. Kerkman abstained.

Approved Resolution 2022-1 adopting employee handbook for the Village of Clearwater.

Approved removing Steve Stearns and Kevin Filsinger from all Village bank accounts and adding Kelly Kerkman and Cody Kester.

Approved special liquor license request for Clearwater Chamber rough stock competition July 30, 2022.

Economic development report presented.

Maintenance report presented. Approved Grimes Asphalt and Paving to replace Iowa St., from Hwy. 275 south to first stop sign.

Library, park and clerk reports presented.

No attorney report presented.

Nuisance updates reported.

Unfinished and new business presented.

Approved claims and payroll. Claims: $48,191.86; wages: $8,234.54.

Approved resignation of Steve Stearns, effective immediately.

Meeting adjourned at 9:37 p.m.

A complete copy of the minutes is available at the clerk’s office during regular business hours.

Angie Hupp,

Village Clerk

Published June 23, 2022



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