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Approved Bills Summerland Public School



Adaptive Tech Solutions, sup, 116.60; Amazon Capital Services, Inc., sup, 9,264.89; Apple, Inc., Apple Ipad/sup, 1,088.00; Appleby, Greg A., mileage reimb, 281.97; Austin T. Good, May mowing, 560.00; B.E. Publishing, software renew, 1,842.95; Black Hills Energy, nat gas, 614.66; Bomgaars, sup, 54.23; Bud’s Sanitary Services, trash, 1,300.00; Canon Financial Services, Inc., printer lease, 22.81; Capital One Bk(USA),NA, sup, 11,926.87; CEV, lic renew 2022-2023, 850.00; Clearwater Market, sup, 214.90; ColdType Publishing, print, 397.46; Computers Etc., sup, 70.80; Cooper, Catherine A., mileage reimb, 250.38; Courtney Soper, mileage, 343.98; Crowne Plaza Hotel, room for NCE conf, 995.00; DAS State Acctg - Central Finance OCIO, internet line, 846.51; Demco, Inc., sup, 167.50; Dusty’s, fuel, 357.52; Eakes Office Solutions, sup, 41.92; Egan Supply Co., sup, 123.85; Elkhorn Rural Public Power, elec, 5,571.41; Ellsworth Publishing Co., lic renew, 476.40; ESTR Publications, sup, 66.00; ESU #8, March SPED, 42,223.60; Ewing Feed & Supply & Trailer Sales, sup, 9.38; Farmer’s Pride, fuel, 63.90; Flinn Scientific, Inc., sup, 558.51; Goodheart-Wilcox Publisher, sup, 338.31; Gopher, sup, 1,538.21; Great Plains Communications, tele, exp, 483.08; Greg Thramer, storage, 100.00; Island Supply Welding, sup, 158.72; KSB School Law, legal serv, 2,497.50; Lazy T Tire & Implement, serv/inspect/sup, 214.01; LEAF, copier exp, 370.96; Learning Without Tears, sup, 1,107.64; Lexia, LETRS training mat’ls, 2,214.00; Linewize, three-yr subscription - internet filtering, 6,836.00; Literacy Resources, LLC, sup, 640.38; Loffler, copier exp, 909.31; Mcgraw-Hill School Education Holdings, LLC, sup, 4,145.20; Midwest Technology Products, sup, 182.94; MSM Enterprises, LLC, therapy, 2,628.65; Music in Motion, sup, 372.79; NE Council School Administrators, membership renew/admin days registration, 1,365.00; Nebraska Public Health Environmental Lab, water testing, 798.00; NewzBrain Education, sub renew, 299.00; North Central Public Power, elec, 624.71; O’Neill Public School, speech ther, 711.00; Orchard Lumber, sup, 5.94; Overland Rehab, LLC, therapy, 1,413.83; Paper 101, sup, 166.04; Pitney Bowes Global Fin Srvs LLC, lease, 203.91; Pitzer Digital, print, 108.90; Plankroad Publishing Inc., sup, 48.40; Quill, sup, 58.58; Realityworks,sup, 2,220.51; Really Good Stuff, Inc., sup, 1,247.33; Rotherham Tire, serv, 46.95; Royal One Stop, fuel, 1,601.93; S & S Worldwide, Inc., rep, 71.25; Sanne Service, LLC, rep, 1,213.19; Schilousky Lawn Care, May mowing, 1,170.00; School Health Corporation, sup, 11.80; School Specialty, sup, 257.17; Staples, sup, 239.98; Summerland Hot Lunch reimb - sub meals, 1,410.60; Summerland Public School, misc reimb, 476.27; Synchrony Bank/Amazon, sup, 233.26; Teacher Created Resources, sup, 48.97; Teacher Direct, sup, 208.20; Teaching Strategies, LLC, sup, 196.00; The College Board, ELA Curriculum, 4,4264.26; The Library Store, sup, 75.22; Thoughtful Learning, sup, 425.90; TJ’s Market, sup, 51.13; Uline sup, 571.02; Village of Clearwater, util, 10.00; Village of Ewing, water/sewer/trash, 224.93; Wards Science, sup, 454.80; Westend Mini Mart, fuel, 3,316.09; WEX, fuel, 2,482.22; Willie’s Service, rep/serv, 181.16

Total: 133,933.56

Published June 23, 2022



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