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Selting submits resignation

Summerland School will be searching for a new business educator.

Current instructor Amy Selting, submitted a letter of resignation to the board, which was read during the April 12 meeting.

Superintendent Kyle Finke said he received the letter March 24.

In her letter, Selting wrote, "It is with a heavy heart that I submit to you this letter of resignation for the business education position I hold at Summerland Public Schools. It has been an honor to be a part of this district, from the planning stages to where it is now."

Selting, an Elgin resident, has accepted a similar position at Elgin Public Schools, noting, "I won't have a conflicting schedule with my son and his future activities."

Selting, along with counselor Kendra Shrader, was instrumental in implementing a work-based learning program, "which I hope has helped those involved choose a career path they love as much as I do."

Selting's resignation is effective at the end of the school year.


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