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Out my kitchen window

The sun is shining and the temperature is above freezing. As I look out the kitchen window things are slowly greening up. A pot full of happy little pansies were added recently and they are showing off their faces on purple toned petals.

A variety of birds are fluttering about the garden, traveling from feeder to feeder and landing on the bird bath for a quick drink.

Oh, spring in the garden. I'm watching the garden as tulips and daffodils sprout up and shoot blooms.

I'm anxious to hit the garden. Hubby and I have done some small projects. We dug and divided sedum for friends, straightened garden art that somehow settles on the base and sits at a slant after winter.

We can never seem to figure out what goes on to cause this problem. Nor have we ever found a solution except in the spring to go out and dig around the pieces, grab our level and try our best to make things straight in the garden world.

The time of working in the vegetable and flower garden is about to kick off. The garden is tilled and some seeds including radish, lettuce, onion sets and seed potatoes along with peas have been waiting for much warmer temperatures along with two muncher cucumber plants. They are a bush variety and will be planted in pots this year. They were a bonus from a garden meeting courteous of the speaker.

The name makes me hungry for the fresh garden produce we look forward to each year.

I have to admit I have already been to a garden center this spring and it was eye candy to me. It wasn't unusual at this time of the year to be in a garden center, but due to the colder spring it did seem a bit premature.

It wasn't. The green houses were overflowing with color. Petunias in endless colors and varieties were in bloom. Geranium buds were sprouting a lot of color and fun-loving planters were filled with plants.

Yup, I walked out with a couple of boxes of garden fun. They have to stay in the garage widows for a while, but I am ready to get my fingers into the bag of potting soil waiting in the garden shed.

The bright spring sun woke me the day after Easter and my head was spinning thinking of what I am going to plant where. I'm repeating a few planters but making a change on the south side of my garage. I usually plant bubblegum vista petunias there. They flood the area with a sea of pink blooms throughout the growing season.

I will still have them in other areas but next to the garage I need to plant something where I can control a weed problem that has occurred the past two years. By planting a flower that doesn't spread but grows more upright, I will be able to control the weeds much better, then in the future I can again plant a spreading variety of flowers there.

Gardening always makes us think about the future. Here I am planning for even future years in the flower garden when this year's garden isn't even in the ground yet.

Yes, gardeners love to not only plant, but also plan. I once read a quote, "Garden as though you will live forever" - Willam Kent.

That quote is how I want to continue my garden life. I hope you, too, can plant for your garden future as you look out your kitchen window and wait for days in the garden.


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