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Proceedings Summerland Public School Board of Education


December 14, 2021

Summerland Public School Board of Education held a regular meeting, Tuesday, Dec. 14, at 12 p.m., at the school.

President Nordby called the meeting, which was advertised in the Dec. 8, 2021 newspapers, to order at 12:06 p.m. Present: Candice Hoke, Marty Kerkman, Ed Nordby, Nate Schwager, Steve Thiele, Jeremy Wagner.

Nordby noted the Open Meetings Act, posted in the board room.

Motion by Wagner, seconded by Kerkman, to approve the agenda. Voting aye: Hoke, Kerkman, Nordby, Schwager, Thiele, Wagner. Nay: none. Motion carried, 6-0.

Public participation. There was no public participation.

Consent agenda. Motion by Kerkman, seconded by Thiele, to approve the consent agenda, with the exception of the Hausmann bill in the amount of $127,195.90. Voting aye: Hoke, Kerkman, Nordby, Schwager, Thiele, Wagner. Nay: none. Motion carried, 6-0.

Motion by Schwager, seconded by Wagner, to approve the Hausmann bill in the amount of $127,195.90. Voting aye: Hoke, Kerkman, Nordby, Schwager, Wagner. Nay: none. Abstain (with conflict): Thiele. Motion carried, 5-0-1.

Unless removed from the consent agenda, items identified within the consent agenda will be acted on at one time: minutes of the Nov. 17, 2021, meeting; monthly financial report.

Old business.

Update on new building progress. The security company has been here to install the last of the cameras and work on the door entries in the elementary area.

Other work still being done is work on the water tank, some electrical work, glass shelves in the cases, and some external door sweeps.

Some discussion was held concerning the water retention area. Plans are to work on this area again in the spring.

Discuss, consider and take all necessary action on the Orchard building including, but not limited to, demolition bids, lease and use of building (possible executive session).

The bid received for the demolition of the Orchard building was presented.

A discussion was held about what direction to go now. It was decided to contact the HVAC company to get bids on moving the system and then re-bid for the demolition without that piece of the project.

The board instructed Superintendent Finke to contact some auction companies to get prices on auctions at Orchard and Ewing.

Motion by Schwager, seconded by Thiele, to reject all bids for the demolition of the Orchard building. Voting aye: Hoke, Kerkman, Nordby, Schwager, Thiele, Wagner. Nay: none. Motion carried, 6-0.

Motion by Thiele, seconded by Hoke, to approve the amended lease of the Orchard building to the Village of Orchard. Voting aye: Hoke, Kerkman, Nordby, Schwager, Thiele, Wagner. Nay: none. Motion carried, 6-0.

Discuss, consider, and take all necessary action on Hero 911 program. Nordby explained the Hero 911 program to the board.

The administration is recommending getting our Emergency Operation Plan finalized and then looking at possibly adding this program at a later date. The board was in agreement.

The item was tabled for a later date.

Motion by Nordby, seconded by Kerkman, to table Hero 911 program to a later date.

Voting aye: Hoke, Kerkman, Nordby, Schwager, Thiele, Wagner. Nay: none. Motion carried, 6-0.

New business.

Discuss, consider and take all necessary action on 2022-2023 teacher negotiations. Supt. Finke reported on the negotiated agreement and the changes proposed.

Motion by Kerkman, seconded by Schwager, to approve the 2022-2023 negotiated agreement as presented. Voting aye: Hoke, Kerkman, Nordby, Schwager, Thiele, Wagner. Nay: none. Motion carried, 6-0.

Discuss, consider and take all necessary action on snow removal bids. The snow removal bids were presented.

Motion by Thiele, seconded by Kerkman, to authorize Mr. Finke to follow up on bids and make a selection at his discretion. Voting aye: Hoke, Kerkman, Nordby, Schwager, Thiele, Wagner. Nay: none. Motion carried, 6-0.

NASB update. Finke reported on the sessions he attended at the state conference.

Personnel (possible executive session). Supt. Finke reported to the board on a personnel issue.

Administrative reports:

Elementary Principal Cathy Cooper: MTSS instructional rounds, winter Acadience testing, school store, 5-8 Christmas concert, elementary Christmas concert, elementary student council, first semester teacher evaluations are done.

High School Principal Greg Appleby had to leave the meeting early, but he had presented a written report: Summerland will remain as eight-man football, rescheduled basketball games, Christmas concert, first semester coach and teacher evaluations are done.

Supt. Kyle Finke: Ainsworth was denied membership to the NVC, contacted county on snow removal, fuel tank for filling busses onsite, met with area fire departments, will advertise for speech pathologist for 2022-2023.

The next regular board meeting will be Tuesday, Jan. 18, 2022, at 7 p.m.

Nordby adjourned the meeting at 2:01 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Sally Finch

Recording secretary

Published December 23, 2021



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