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Approved Bills Summerland Public School



OM Tech, laser engraver/accessories (Perkins Grant), 4,141.85; Amazon, tech sup, 1,130.68; Amazon Capital Services, Inc., Sup, 1,358.33; Antelope Memorial Hospital, transport physical, 156.00; Black Hills Energy nat gas, 362.19; Bud’s Sanitary service, eight-yd dumpster and pickup fees, 1,925.00; Canon Financial Services, Inc., Printer lease, 22.81; Capital One Bk(USA), NA, sup/reg/bkgrnd checks/fees, 8,676.58; ColdType Publishing, print, 384.69; Computer Hardware, Inc., Sup, 79.00; Corner Hardware & More, sup, 232.82; Darin Wickersham, Sept. 2021 mowing, 940.00; Dusty’s, fuel, 836.75; Egan Supply Co., sup, 1,144.11; EJ Computers LLC, tech serv, 3,190.00; Electronic Systems, Inc., Install digital monitoring for fire alarm panel, 780.00; Elkhorn Rural PP - Ewing, elec, 8.864.02; ESU #8, PK SPED, 412.50; ESU #8, SA SPED, 6,938.35; ESU #8, Level III SPED, 15,480.00; ESU #8, 2 Apex seats and online training, 270.00; ESU #8, distance learning, 2,500.00; ESU #8, E-Rate 2021-2022, 1,000.00; ESU #8, Faserfiche renew, 250.00; ESU #8, nursing contract, 47,520.00; ESU #8, test prep, 2,816.00; ESU #8, training, 40.00; ESU #8, tech contract, 70,000.00; ESU #8, Wonders training, 140.00; Ewell Educational services, Inc., one-half ag subscription, 87.50; Ewing Family Foods, sup 168.65; Ewing Feed & Supply & Trailer Sales, sup, 81.39; Frontier, tele, 101.66; Grafted Tree Engraving, sup, 338.00; Great Plains Communications, tele, 245.47; Greg Thramer, rent 100.00; Harris School Solutions, AptaFund timekeeping software/annual fees, 3,645.00; Island Supply Welding, sup, 133.50; IXL Learning, license upgrades, 1,913.00; J.W. Pepper & Son, Inc., sup, 261.39;, Inc., software, 1,632.80; Kemper America, inc., Sup, 102.43; Knowledge Mattrs, software lic/Perkins Grant, 2,800.00; KSB School Law, legal serv, 420.00; Lazy T Tire & Implement, sup, 17.67; LEAF, copier exp, 370.96; Loffler, copier exp, 1,729.34; McGraw-Hill School Education Holdings, LLC, sup, 618.35; MSM Enterprises, LLC, occ therapy, 4,298.58; NE Council School Administrators, labor relations conf - Kyle Finke, 225.00; Nebraska Safety Center, transport training, 200.00; Nebraska Scientific, sup, 117.35; Nielsen Insurance, notary renewal fees, 30.00; North Central Public Power, elec, 1,568.79; Northeast Regional Deaf Ed Program, deaf ed, 76.00; One Office Solution, LLC, copier exp, 33.50; One Source, background check, 127.00; Orchard Lumber, sup, 61.29; Orval’s Auto service, Inc., Rep/sup/serv, 866.85; Overland Rehabilitation services, phys therapy, 1,134.26; Pitzer Digital, printing, 343.17; Rotherham Tire, tires - bus #8, 1,580.00; Royal One Stop, fuel, 1,875.57; Ryan’s Truck & Tractor Repair, rep/sup/serv, 10,645.24; Scholastic, Inc., elem 2021-22 sub renew, 1,544.37; School Health Corporation, sup, 110.74; School Nurse Supply, AED, 1,799.00; Seesaw, licenses 565.00; Summerland Public School, misc reimb, 1,415.06; Summerland Public School - hot lunch, meals for firemen for Red Hot Reading event, 56.00; Teacher Direct, sup - elem, 137.76; The Library Store, sup, 96.49; The Mailbox, 2020-2022 sub, 149.75; TJ’s Market, sup, 187.30; Uline, floor mats for under score tables/barrier posts, 2,416.43; Verdigre Public School, error correction/Knox County MV taxes, 36,187.25; Village of Clearwater, water/sewer, 43.50; Village of Ewing, water/sewer/trash, 390.03; Wenger Corporation, sup - band room, 2,295.10; Westend Mini-Mart, fuel, 2,966.89; WEX Bank, fuel, 1,260.14; Willie’s Service, rep/serv/sup, 4,076.75; Wm Krotter Co., appliances, 30,199.75; Xtra Productions, audio cord, 25.00

Total: $306,192.82

Building Fund (new)

Eakes Office Solutions, FFE, 130,206.23; Hausmann Construction 419,959.07; Mid-States Engineering, 2,410.00; One Office Solutions, balance due on FFE, 12,089.38; Schilousky Lawn Care, second half of sprinklers and water wheel, 11,850.00; VIRCO, second half of FFE, 17,635.02; Upper Elkhorn Natural Resources District, installation of weed barrier, 897.40; Wilkins Architecture, architecture fees, 25,872.15; Schilousky Lawn Care, one-half of add’l irrigation around track, 7,750.00

Total building fund 628,669.25

Building Fund (old)

Daktronics, balance of scoreboards, 17,974.70

Depreciation Fund

Heartland Communications, add’l due on phone installation, 625.00

Published October 21, 2021



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