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Proceedings Summerland Public School Board of Education


Sept. 13, 2021

Summerland Public School Board of Education held a regular meeting, Monday, Sept. 13, following the budget and tax request hearings, in the school board room.

President Nordby opened the budget hearing, which was published in the paper on Sept. 8 at 6:28 p.m.

Roll call was taken. Present: Candice Hoke, Marty Kerkman, Ed Nordby, Nate Schwager, Steven Thiele. Absent: Jeremy Wagner.

Motion by Schwager, seconded by Kerkman, to approve the absence of Jeremy Wagner. Voting aye: Hoke, Kerkman, Nordby, Schwager, Thiele. Nay: none. Motion carried 5-0.

Motion by Schwager, seconded by Thiele, to approve board member Candice Hoke leaving early. Voting aye: Kerkman, Nordby, Schwager, Thiele. Nay: none. Absent: Wagner. Abstain: Hoke. Motion carried 4-0.

Motion by Thiele, seconded by Hoke, to approve the agenda as presented. Voting aye: Hoke, Kerkman, Nordby, Schwager, Thiele, Wagner. Nay: none. Motion carried 5-0.

Public participation was heard.

Motion by Thiele, seconded by Kerkman, to approve the consent agenda items, with the exception of Hausmann Construction bill, in the amount of $2,706,154.88. Voting aye: Hoke, Kerkman, Nordby, Schwager, Thiele. Nay: none. Absent: 1. Motion carried 5-0.

Motion by Schwager, seconded by Hoke, to approve the Hausmann Construction bill, in the amount of $2,706,154.88. Voting aye: Hoke, Kerkman, Nordby, Schwager. Nay: non. Abstain (with conflict): Thiele. Absent: 1. Motion carried 4-0.

Candice Hoke left the meeting at approximately 6:45 p.m.

Unless removed from the consent agenda, items within the consent agenda will be acted on at one time. Minutes of the Aug. 17, 2021 meeting and monthly financial report.

Old Business. Building construction update: Supt. Finke reported that construction is in the final stages in the unfinished areas of the building. The dirt work has begun on the playground areas. Some sod has been planted in the front area with more scheduled to be completed Wednesday and Thursday of this week. Some discussion was held concerning the location of the speed limit signs.

Orchard building update. Finke reported he is expecting paperwork from Jacob at Wilkins Architecture sometime this week. It was decided to have a Building and Grounds Committee meeting on Thursday, either in person or via Zoom, with Jacob, to see the proposal on the project and discuss the next steps.

New business:

Discuss, consider and take all necessary action to approve the 2021-2022 budget. Motion by Thiele, second by Schwager, to approve the 2021-22 budget, which was published in the Sept. 8 newspaper. Voting aye: Kerkman, Nordby, Schwager, Thiele. Nay: none. Absent: 2. Motion carried 4-0.

Discuss, consider and take all necessary action on the 2021-2022 tax requests. Motion by Kerkman, seconded by Thiele, to approve the 2021-22 property tax resolution number 2021-2022. Voting aye: Kerkman, Nordby, Schwager, Thiele. Nay: none. Absent: 2. Motion carried 4-0.

Discuss, consider and take all necessary action to declare items obsolete. Motion by Thiele, seconded by Kerkman,to declare items listed as obsolete. Voting aye: Kerkman, Nordby, Schwager, Thiele. Nay: none. Absent: 2. Motion carried 4-0.

Discuss, consider and take all necessary action to approve the walking track regulations. Fink was asked by the State Fire Marshal to have a policy in place for locking the gates when the bleachers are in and also out. Motion by Thiele, seconded by Schwager, to approve the bleacher/walking track gate rule. Voting aye: Kerkman, Nordby, Schwager, Thiele. Nay: none. Absent: 2. Motion carried 4-0.

Discuss information regarding the ESSER III funds that have been awarded to Summerland Public School from the federal CARES act. Finke reported on the grant application process for the ESSER III funds and what we are currently proposing to spend the money on. There is a survey link on the Summerland Public School website for public input on spending suggestions.

Ewing building information. Nordby reported that there have been a couple inquiries into the Ewing building. He wanted to bring it to the board’s attention that they will go forward with talking to interested parties since the school wasn’t needed for students. It was also noted that the process for demolition of the elementary building at Ewing will be looked into.

NASB update. Finke reported that it will soon be time to start 2022-2023 negotiations. He also reported that the NSCAS results from the spring testing should be released by NDE soon.

Administrative reports.

Cathy Cooper reported: Northern Tier grade level day at ESU 8 was attended by elementary staff and it was a good day. She and Denise Meyer are still working on fine-tuning the schedules. Postponed the Acadience testing until tomorrow to allow everyone to get into a schedule. MAPS testing will be coming up soon. MTSS coordinator at ESU 8 is going to come work with staff on site. Gave a shoutout to all the staff on their hard work to make the start of the school run as smoothly as possible.

Greg Appleby reported: Echoed Cooper’s shoutout to staff saying everyone has pitched in and done whatever necessary. MAP testing next week for two days, Tuesday and Thursday. Hosted the first competitions in the new gym. Tornado drill today went well. Bus/shuttle routes are improving. Gave an update on the NSAA counts for class assignments concerning football cycles. Reported receiving donations for additional Bobcat wrestling mats.

Finke reported: Attended a NCSA superintendent meeting. Going to Northern Tier meeting this week. Positive COVID cases with staff and students.

The next regular meeting will be at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 12, in the board room at Summerland Public School.

President Nordby adjourned the meeting at 7:33 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Sally Finch

Recording secretary

Published September 23, 2021



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