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Approved Bills Summerland Public School


Summerland Public School, misc. reimb - operating acct, 2,203.93; IXL Learning, sub renew, 4,392.00; Renaissance Learning, sub renew, 9,430.00; Stadium Sports, 2 score tables for gyms, 6,880.00; ESU #8, SPED, 34,291.46; Amazon, sup, 3,739.24; Antelope Memorial Hospital, bus driver physicals, 691.00; Appeara, sup, 147.87; Austin T. Good, grounds maint, 850.00; B.E. Publishing, software, 1,375.47; Barco Municipal Products, Inc., flashing speed signs, 1,054.05; Black Hills Energy, nat gas, 323.96; Canon Financial services, Inc., printer lease, 22.81; Capital One Bk(USA), NA, sup, 1,626,93; Classroom Resource Center, sup, 4,355.09; Can Surety, bond for notary, 40.00; ColdType Publishing, print, 400.86; Conor J. Ramold, grounds maint, 850.00; Darin Wickersham, Aug. mowing, 740.00; DAS State Acctg-Central Finance OCIO, internet line charges, 2,160.37; Dusty’s, fuel, 302.03; Egan Supply Co., sup, 3,318.77; Elkhorn Rural Public Power, elec, 1,257.15; ESU #8, train, 2,765.60; ESU #7, train, 75.00; Ewing Feed & Supply & Trailer Sales, sup, 47.57; FFA Convention Tour, contribution to nat’l trip, 1,600.00; Frontier, tele, 146.26; Frontier, tele, 216.72; Great Plains Communications, tele, 758.85; Great Plains Communications, tele, 307.28; Greg Thramer, storage rent, 100.00; Harris Computer Systems, sup, 774.60; Heartland Fire Protection, Inc., Extinguisher inspections & maint, 695.22; Holt County treasurer, Homestead Tax over-payment, 11.12; Island Supply Welding, sup, 137.97; J & J Sanitation, trash, 394.87; J. W. Pepper & Son, Inc., sup, 98.18; Kayton International, Bobcat rental - 2 Bobcats, 5,000.00; KSB School Law, legal services, 4,394.08; Lazy T Tire & Implement, rep/sup/serv, 897.09; LEAF, copier exp, 370.96; Loffler, copier exp, 1,046.26; NASB ALICAP, ins prem, 69,680.00; Nebraska Safety Center, bus driver training, 200.00; North Central Public Power, elec, 3,043.98; Northeast Nebraska Telephone Company, tele, 54.08; O’Neill Pest Control, pest control, 130.00; One Office Solution, LLC, elec, 164.85; O’Neill Shopper, adv, 48.00; Orchard Lumber, 19.27; Orval’s Auto service, rep/serv, 1,294.20; Overland Rehabilitation Services, physical therapy 970.92; Pitney Bowes Global Fin Serv, LLC, postage meter lease 203.91; Pitzer Digital, printng, 199.47; Prairie Hills Ford, repairs white van 4, 359.99; Rotherham Tire, tire, 5,239.00; Royal One Stop, fuel, 141.00; Schilousky Lawn Care, mowing 1,500.00; School Specialty, Inc., Sup - guidance, 79.74; Supreme School Supply Co., sup, 377.33; The Plainview News, adv, 15.00; TJ’s Market, sup, 115.62; Village of Clearwater, water/sewer, 43.50; Village of Ewing, water/sewer/trash, 872.01; Village of Orchard, water/sewer/trash, 875.70; Westend Mini-Mart, fuel, 986.93; WEX Bank, fuel, 583.25

Total General Fund: 188,308.37

Building Fund:

Elkhorn Rural Public Power, elec, 8.530.15; Hausmann Construction, const fees, 2,706,154.88; One Office Solutions, partial payment - FFE, 50,000.00; Wilkins Architecture Design Planning, arch fees, 25,872.15

Total Building Fund:


Depreciation Fund:

Heartland Communications, phone system, 19,427.00

Total Depreciation Fund:


Published September 23, 2021



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