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Proceedings Village of Clearwater Board of Trustees August 9, 2021

PROCEEDINGS Village of Clearwater Board of Trustees August 9, 2021

The Board of Trustees of the Village of Clearwater met in regularsession Monday, Aug. 9, at 7:30 p.m., in the fire hall meeting room.

Meeting opened at 7:30 p.m. Notice of Meeting was given in advance by publication in Summerland Advocate- Messenger and notice was given to board members prior to meeting. Public was informed of location of Open Meeting Act poster.

Present: Kelly Kerkman, Steve Hankla, Steve Stearns, Kevin Filsinger, Mike Klabenes. Others present: Lauren Sheridan-Simonson, Kate Ahlers, LuAnn Schindler, Tyler Hillmer, Bill Thiele, clerk Angie Hupp.

Approved regular minutes and treasurer’s report for July. Late water bills presented.

Miller & Associates report: Tyler Hillmer presented progress report on wastewater project. Approved pay request number one to Rutjens Construction for $391,073.40. Approved postponing CDBG application for one year.

Economic development report: Approved extending time for digital facade grant for Blade & Bliss. Approved Resolution 2021-04 in support of becoming part of Nebraska Department of Economic Development Leadership Certified Community program.

Approved deeding Tract B of 310 Nebraska St. to Jaci Bruhn dba Roots by Jaci using $5,000 in LB840 funds, pending approval by LB840 Loan Review Committee.

Approved five-foot variance recommended by planning commission at 603 Second St.

Approved Clearwater Community Development Group’s building permit for 603 Second St.

Approved Resolution 2021-03 for Municipal Annual Certification of Program Compliance for Nebraska Board of Public Roads Classifications and Standards.

Maintenance report: Kate Ahlers suggested using same armor coating company as county to armor coat a repaired block and new asphalt on

River Rd. More vandalism at park but security cameras should be installed within 30 days. Water tank due for cleaning. Angie Hupp will get quotes from a couple of companies.

Library report: Approximately 55 kids participated in summer reading program. Mark Thiele of Thiele Electric was awarded bid for replacing light fixtures.

Sheriff’s report: Sheriff’s Department worked 164 hours and three minutes with no 911 calls for Clearwater in June and 79 hours 32 minutes with two 911 calls in July.

Park report: No news from school board on what they want to do with scoreboard. Discussion on tearing down top of crow’s nest tabled.

Discussion on bids for pouring concrete along Main St. curb tabled.

Approved Ordinance 2021-2 in one reading, raising Kate Ahlers’ pay to $21 per hour.

Approved adding Thanksgiving Friday to full-time employee paid holidays, bringing total to 11 days.

Clerk report: Customer moved out of rental house with no notice, left three months’ unpaid water bills. Angie Hupp will contact owner to pay overdue bills and get new tenant information. Tree trimming letters were sent in July, with deadline of Sept. 1. Reminder letters will be sent in August. Board agreed to change budget hearing time on Aug. 30 from 7 to 8 p.m.

Approved transfer of $15,593.40 from grant checking to general checking to rectify mistake from State of Nebraska deposits.

Old business: Contractor not responding to calls for approved water line to house southwest of town. Been waiting for six months so Hupp will contact another contractor.

New business: Spotlights for Main St. flagpole broken. Hupp to find quotes on new fixtures.

Approved Hunter Klabenes payroll.

Klabenes abstained.

Approved all other claims.

Claims and payroll:

Wages: $6,713.40

Bills: $443,258.71

Meeting adjourned at 9:02 p.m.

A complete copy of the minutes

is available at the clerk’s office during regular business hours.

Angie Hupp, Village Clerk

Published August 19, 2021



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