Reliable, Trustworthy Reporting, Capturing The Heartbeat Of Our Community
United States Treasury, 2018 ACA penalties, 31,610; Adams Book Company, sup, 449.17; Amazon Capital Services, Inc., sup, 1,268.35; AMG O’Neill, bus driver physical, 150.00; Appeara, sup, 97.04; Apple, Inc. IPad keyboard, 398.00; Austin T. Good, July 2021 grounds/maint, 850.00; Avera St. Anthony’s Hospital, bus driver testing, 134.00; Black Hills Energy, nat gas, 374.99; Blick Art Materials, sup, 108.00; Canon Financial services, Inc., Printer lease, 38.20; Capital One Bk(USA), NA, sup, 2,185.76; Carson Dellosa Publishing, LLC, sup, 24.95; CENGAGE Learning, sup, 765.15; CEV, IT classroom software, 1,010.00; Clearwater Public School operating acc’t, misc reimb, 680.34; ColdType Publishing, LLC, print/ adv, 1,111.56; Conor Ramold, July 2021 grounds/maint, 850.00; Corner Hardware & More, sup, 51.98; Darin Wickersham, mowing, 740.00; DAS State Acct - Central Finance OCIO, Internet line charges, 2,133.37; Egan Supply Co., sup, 792.00; EJ Computers, LLC, tech serv, 1,897.50; Elkhorn Rural Public Power District, elec, 2,135.63; ESU #2, Canvas sub, 600.00; Ewing Feed & Supply & Trailer Sales, sup, 338.26; Follett School Solutions, Inc., lib software, 1,060.35; Frontier, tele, 364.85; Gopher, sup, 102.72; Grafted Tree Engraving, sup, 79.00; Great Plains Communications, tele, 307.28; Greg Thramer, storage rent, 100.00; Harpster, Nancy J., COBRA reimb, 605.80; Harris School Solutions, software renew - acc’t and census, 5,812.80; Harte’s Lawn Service, Inc., Irrigation start up, 75.00; Herley’s Collision Repair, windshield/ decals Bus #3 Ewing, 627.05; HireRight, LLC, bus driver testing, 94.20; Holt County Independent, print, 22.10; Island Supply Welding, sup, 218.50; KSB Law, legal serv, 6.146.00; LEAF, copier exp, 370.96; Learning Without Tears, sup, 1,174.07; LEGO Education, sup - Coding Club, 114.95; Loffler, copier exp, 1,147.80; McGraw-Hill School Education Holdings, LLC, sup, 4,122.86; Nasco, sup, 136.41; National Art & School Supplies, Inc., sup, 245.42; NE Council School Administrators, NCE Conf/ Admin Days, 375.00; Nebraska Powder Coaters, LLC, sandblasting/ powder coating benches, 345.00; Netcom, Inc., business band radio set up, 1,269.00; North Central Public Power, elec, 2.076.31; Northeast Regional Deaf Ed Program, deaf ed, 304.00; One Office Solution, LLC, copier/print exp, 68.43; O’Neill Public School, speech serv, 599.14; Orval’s Auto Service, Inc., Rep/
serv, 415.15; Overland Rehabilitation Services, phys therapy, 586.12; Pearson, sup, 98.25; Pitzer Digital, print, 310.62; Quill, sup, 213.74; Ryan’s Truck & Tractor Repair, rep/ serv, 449.37; Saddleback Educational Inc., sup, 167.16; Savvas Learning Company LLC, sup, 375.33; Sphero, Inc., sup - coding, 198.57; Summerland Public School, misc reimb, 405.45; Teacher Created Resources, sup, 209.95; Terrapin, sup - coding, 80.95; Tierney, 22 Lenovo ThinkPads - ESSER II, 40,788.00; Troxell Communications, Inc., sup, 23.68; Village of Clearwater, water/ trash/sewer, 286.00; Village of Ewing, water/trash/sewer, 792.95; Village of Orchard, water/trash/sewer, 875.50; Voyager Sopris Learning, sup, 31.17; Wells Fargo, sup, 53.98; Westend Mini Mart, fuel, 412.11; WEX Bank, fuel, 76.91; Willie’s Service, serv, 166.81 Total General Fund 125,777.22 Building Fund (New Project) Schilousky Lawn Care, half down on lawn sprinklers and quick link, 11,850.00; Cash-Wa Distributing, kitchen equip, 282,824.64; Creative Sites, playground equip, 69,195.00; Elkhorn Rural PP, 2,912.65; Hausmann Construction Inc., 1,961,736.50; Mid-State Engineering & Testing, Inc., 2,605.00; Wilkins Architecture Design Planning 18,089.34
Total Building Fund
Published July 22, 2021
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