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Summerland Public School Board of Education held a regular meeting, Monday, April 12, 2021, at the Clearwater site.

President Nordby called the meeting, which was published in the April 7 paper, to order at 6 p.m. Nordby noted the Open Meetings Act, posted in the room.

Motion by Steven Thiele, seconded by Nate Schwager, to approve the agenda as presented. Voting aye: Hoke, Kerkman, Nordby, Schwager, Thiele, Wagner. Nay; none. Motion carried 6-0.

Public participation (15 minutes allowed). Public participation was not heard.

Consent agenda. Motion by Kerkman, seconded by Hoke, to approve the consent agenda items, with the exception of Hausmann Construction, in the amount of $2,330,167.26. Voting aye: Hoke, Kerkman, Nordby, Schwager, Thiele, Wagner. Nay; none. Motion carried 6-0.

Motion by Schwager, seconded by Wagner, to approve the Hausmann Construction bills in the amount of $2,330,167.26. Voting aye: Hoke, Kerkman, Nordby, Schwager, Wagner. Nay; none. Abstain: Thiele. Motion carried 5-0-1.

Minutes of the March 16 meeting.

Monthly financial report.

Old business.

Building construction update. John Wieser from Hausmann Construction was present to give an update on the construction project.

Review, consider and take all necessary action on landscaping design and irrigation proposals. Kenny Wettlaufer, from Wettlaufer Landscaping, was at the meeting to present ideas on the landscaping. The design discussed was approved. Motion by Hoke, seconded by Kerkman, to accept the following landscape plan: sod, rock around perimeter of building and playground, trees and grass in front sidewalk islands. Voting aye: Hoke, Kerkman, Nordby, Schwager, Thiele, Wagner. Nay; none. Motion carried 6-0.

Review, consider and take all necessary action on the playground proposal. Teresa, from Creative Sites, was available via Zoom, to discuss playground options. After some discussion, this item was tabled until next meeting.

New business.

Review, consider and take all necessary action on the technology purchase items. Tonya Strom was at the meeting to present the proposed technology purchases. She also had one of the proposed new smart boards up and running for demonstration. Motion by Schwager, seconded by Wagner, to approve the recommended technology bid of $248,611 for the purchase of interactive smart boards and computers. Voting aye: Hoke, Kerkman, Nordby, Schwager, Thiele, Wagner. Nay; none. Motion carried 6-0.

Review, consider and take all necessary action on obsolete equipment. Motion by Thiele, seconded by Hoke, to approve the obsolete items as presented. Voting aye: Hoke, Kerkman, Nordby, Schwager, Thiele, Wagner. Nay; none. Motion carried 6-0.

Review, consider and take all necessary action on approve the 2021-2022 calendar. Motion by Schwager, seconded by Thiele, to approve the 2021-2022 calendar, as presented. Voting aye: Hoke, Kerkman, Nordby, Schwager, Thiele, Wagner. Nay; none. Motion carried 6-0.

Review, consider and take all necessary action on bus bids. Motion by Thiele, seconded by Hoke, to accept the bid from Cornhusker for an International 42-passenger bus for $89,250. Voting aye: Hoke, Kerkman, Nordby, Schwager, Thiele, Wagner. Nay; none. Motion carried 6-0.

Staffing update. Superintendent Martin reported that after the next two items are approved, all staffing for the next year will be in place, as of tonight.

Review consider and take all necessary action on staff resignations.

Motion by Thiele, seconded by Wagner, to accept the resignation of Jeff Shabram. Voting aye: Hoke, Kerkman, Nordby, Schwager, Thiele, Wagner. Nay; none. Motion carried 6-0.

Motion by Schwager, seconded by Thiele, to accept the resignation of Nancy Harpster. Voting aye: Hoke, Kerkman, Nordby, Schwager, Thiele, Wagner. Nay; none. Motion carried 6-0.

Review, consider and take all necessary action on certified staff contracts. Motion by Kerkman, seconded by Hoke, to approve Abbey Schwindt as 7-12 language arts instructor. Voting aye: Hoke, Kerkman, Nordby, Schwager, Thiele, Wagner. Nay; none. Motion carried 6-0.

Motion by Hoke, seconded by Schwager, to approve Carrie Kucera as 7-12 science instructor. Voting aye: Hoke, Kerkman, Nordby, Schwager, Thiele, Wagner. Nay; none. Motion carried 6-0.

Review, consider and take all necessary action on classified staff wages/salaries. Motion by Schwager, seconded by Thiele, to approve a 3% increase in salaries/wages for the classified staff. Voting aye: Hoke, Kerkman, Nordby, Schwager, Thiele, Wagner. Nay; none. Motion carried 6-0.

Review, consider and take all necessary action on a staff leave request. Motion by Schwager, seconded by Hoke, to approve additional leave at sub reimbursement for Mrs. Roland to take her to the end of the 2020-2021 school year. Voting aye: Hoke, Kerkman, Nordby, Schwager, Thiele, Wagner. Nay; none. Motion carried 6-0.

NASB update. NASB update was provided to the board.

Administrative reports. Administrative reports were:

Cathy Cooper, Orchard principal: COVID updates, upcoming MRSS meeting and workshop day, May 20, with ESU 8.

Mike Sanne, Clearwater principal: ACT testing, NSCAS testing, dual-credit offerings, COVID update, awards program and the upcoming auction of land and property on June 13.

Greg Appleby, Ewing principal, was not available due to the Ewing student trip.

Supt. Martin also suggested that the board start thinking about a backup plan, should the new building not be ready for everyone when school starts. They also need to determine where the football games will be played.

COVID-19 plan update. No changes to the current COVID plan.

The next regular meeting will be May 10, 2021, at 6 p.m., at Ewing School, in Ewing.

President Nordby adjourned the meeting at 8:23 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Sally Finch

Recording Secretary

Published April 22, 2021



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