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Proceedings Village of Clearwater Board of Trustees


Village of Clearwater BOARD OF TRUSTEES

March 8, 2021

The Board of Trustees of the Village of Clearwater met in regular session Monday, March 8, at 7 p.m., in the fire hall meeting room. Meeting opened at 7:01 p.m. Notice of Meeting was given in advance by publication in Summerland Advocate-Messenger and notice was given to council persons prior to meeting. Public was informed of location of Open Meeting Act poster.

Present: Kevin Filsinger, Steve Stearns, Kelly Kerkman, Mike Klabenes, Steve Hankla. Others present: Lauren Sheridan-Simonson, Kate Ahlers, Shirley Clinton, Dane Nielsen, Carla Jacob, LuAnn Schindler, Sheriff Bob Moore, Mason Herrman, Angie Hupp.

Approved regular minutes and treasurer’s report for February. Late water bills were presented.

Mason Herrman from Miller & Associates presented results from 2021 housing survey. Results assist village in housing grant application. village will hold community meeting to discuss street conditions and how to pay for repairs on June 14 at fire hall meeting room.

Dane Nielsen from Nielsen Insurance presented village insurance review.

Approved moving up agenda item regarding possible school land acquisition. Discussion was held regarding how to tap into well for buildings to be built if land bought and if lift station required. Discussion will be held with attorney to figure out how much village is willing to bid at auction.

Carla Jacob presented a plan for old gas station building east of park playground. A Clearwater Historical Society is being formed and will file for 501(c)(3) status. Planning fundraisers to fix up building to make museum with old school and village memorabilia. Research being done to see if building qualifies as historical site. Board will speak to attorney regarding village keeping ownership of building and leasing to historical society.

Two bids were received for haying two village-owned plots of land. Jay Snider bid $1,101.00, Eli Jacob bid $1,500.00. Approved mowing by Eli Jacob of both lots for 2021 mowing season. Payment to be made to village after hay sold.

Economic development report: Digital façade grant applications due by April 15. Village board willing to assist with purchase of land for duplex project if grant approved.

Approved moving up agenda item regarding sheriff’s report. Sheriff Bob Moore reported hours spent working for village in January and February. Village attorney and sheriff’s deputy moving forward with nuisance violation complaint.

Maintenance report: Hurtig Well Service fixed house leak on Nevada St. Village to pay bill then send invoice to homeowner. Hurtig to tap into water and sewer mains for camper pads north of town. Kate Ahlers brought up possibility of using bank run and rock to patch several severely damaged roads. Also a possibility to buy millings from Antelope County. Approved trading in old mower for new John Deere mower for $4,100. Approved selling several items on surplus equipment list via online auction through Big Iron.

Approved open-sided storage building permit for Dana Kester.

Antelope County plans on putting cement between bridges on 516 Ave., wants village to pay $200,000 portion for area in town. Another option is $50,000 to use cold mix with millings. Discussion tabled until next month.

LuAnn Schindler addressed concerns the library board has on condition of old microfilm and newspapers. Items need to be stored in temperature and humidity-controlled room, maybe move to storage above fire hall. Looking into possibility of raising money to digitize copies for historical use.

Clerk’s report: Angie Hupp received full scholarship to attend virtual clerk school in March. Received call from cross-country cyclists interested in camping in park evening of June 28. New emails active, but a few bugs still being worked out. Online pay option taking longer than planned but is on the way.

Approved transferring $112.06 from general checking to debit account for training registration and email account payment.

Old business: Rutjens Construction has not had time to get water line to house southwest of town, but project is on his list. Security cameras for park still backordered.

New business: Questions regarding baseball. Clearwater, Orchard and Ewing are planning Summerland teams, but no information has been released. Village interested in cementing curb from new bank building to corner by library and Village office.

Approved all claims.

Claims and payroll:

Wages: $4,541.35

Bills: $22,097.44

Approved running ad in newspaper for summer help.

Meeting adjourned at 9:51 p.m.

A complete copy of the minutes is available at the clerk’s office during regular business hours.

Angie Hupp,

Village Clerk

Published March 18, 2021



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