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Notice of bids Antelope County Commissioners

Side dump trailer




The Antelope County Commissioners have the intent to purchase a new or used side dump trailer. The Antelope County Commissioners will invite informal quotes from March 9, 2021, until 10:30 a.m., on April 13, 2021. Quotes should be submitted in a sealed envelope addressed to the Antelope County Commissioners, 501 Main Street, PO Box 26, Neligh, NE 68756-0026. The envelope must be clearly marked with “Informal quote for side dump trailer” on the outside of the envelope. Quotes will be opened at the April 13, 2021 board meeting at 10:30 a.m. The specs for the trailer are as follows: tri-axle with minimum 25,000# rating on each axle; minimum 36’ tub length; minimum 23 CU YD capacity; must be able to dump on both sides; must include tarp system, rear push block, fenders and mud flaps; if trailer is “used” it must be in good working condition and have a current D.O.T. inspection. Please include in bid: warranty information and the availability for delivery. Contact the Antelope County Clerk’s office at 402-887-4410 with questions. The Antelope County Commissioners reserve the right to accept or reject any or all bid and shall determine in its sole discretion whether a product is acceptable as an equivalent.

Published March 18, 2021, March 25, 2021 and April 1, 2021



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