Reliable, Trustworthy Reporting, Capturing The Heartbeat Of Our Community
1. Call meeting to order
1.A. Nebraska Opens Meeting Act
1.B. Roll Call
1.C. Possible motion on board member absence
2. Approve agenda
3. Review input meeting reports
4. Review interview schedule
5. Review interview questions and interview protocol
6. Discuss available housing, welcome packets, etc.
7. Selection of finalists (possible executive session if needed)
Any agenda item, or portion thereof, may be discussed in executive session, where permitted by
law. The public is hereby notified that the board may come in and out of executive session during the meeting. Members of the public who exit the room during executive session may remain outside the meeting room and re-join the meeting when the board returns to open session.
8. Announcement of finalists
9. Final reminders and any questions, comments or concerns
10. Adjourn
The agenda sequence is provided as a courtesy only. The board reserves the right to consider each item in any sequence it deems appropriate. Therefore, we encourage visitors to attend the meeting from the beginning.
The tentative agenda contains a list of subjects known at the time of distribution. A copy of the agenda, reflecting any changes, will be available for public inspection at the administrative office at Orchard during normal business hours. This agenda may be changed up to 24 hours before the scheduled commencement of the meeting.
Published January 28, 2021
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